Merry Christmas Movie Ending Explained: A Descent into Darkness and Sacrifice

Lesten Gonsalves
4 min readMar 10, 2024
Merry Christmas Hindi Movie Poster

Netflix’s “Merry Christmas,” directed by the acclaimed Sriram Raghavan, is a slow-burning suspense thriller that throws viewers into a world of secrets, manipulation, and a shocking murder. Starring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, the film unfolds with a deliberate pace, leaving audiences piecing together the puzzle until the final, dramatic twist. But what exactly happens in the ending of “Merry Christmas,” and what does it mean for the characters? This blog post delves deep into the film’s climax, dissecting the events and exploring the deeper themes at play.

A Web of Lies and a Desperate Escape

Throughout the film, we see a blossoming friendship between Satyavan “Santa” Singh (Sethupathi), a mysterious ex-cop, and Katrina Kaif’s character, simply known as “寞 (Mo),” a woman shrouded in secrecy. As the story progresses, it’s revealed that Mo is trapped in an abusive marriage with a wealthy businessman named Jerome (played by Geoffrey Khan). Desperate to escape this toxic situation and protect her young daughter, Mo hatches a complex plan to eliminate Jerome.

The Shocking Reveal: Murder and Deception

The film’s central mystery revolves around Jerome’s death. Initially presented as a suicide, cracks begin to appear in this facade. Mo’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic, and Santa, with his troubled past, starts to suspect foul play. The truth finally explodes when Mo confesses to Santa that she murdered Jerome. Her plan involved meticulously creating a replica of their apartment below theirs, providing herself with a seemingly airtight alibi.

A Twist of Fate: The Incriminating Evidence

Mo’s scheme hinged on framing an innocent neighbor, Ronnie Fernandes (Sanjay Kapoor), for the murder. She planted his wallet at the crime scene as a piece of incriminating evidence. However, a last-minute complication throws a wrench into her plan. Ronnie, completely unaware of his involvement, unknowingly places his lost wallet back in the apartment, potentially exposing Mo’s elaborate setup.

The Sacrifice: Albert Takes the Fall

Faced with this unforeseen turn of events, Mo pleads with Santa for help. Despite his initial reluctance to get entangled in another crime, Santa, who has developed a bond with Mo, ultimately decides to protect her. In a surprising turn, he takes the blame for the murder, confessing to the police that he killed Jerome.

The Meaning Behind the Sacrifice

Santa’s decision to take the fall for Mo’s crime is open to interpretation. On the surface, it can be seen as an act of selfless love. Having witnessed Mo’s desperation and the abuse she endured, Santa chooses to shield her and her daughter from the consequences. Here, the film explores the concept of redemption. Santa, haunted by his past misdeeds, finds a twisted form of redemption by protecting someone even more vulnerable.

A Moral Gray Area: Love or Compulsion?

However, there’s another layer to Santa’s actions. His sudden affection for Mo could be interpreted as a form of emotional manipulation or codependency. Having spent years in prison, Santa might crave the connection he finds with Mo, even if it means becoming entangled in her dark secret.

The Ending’s Ambiguity: A Deliberate Choice

The film’s ambiguous ending leaves viewers pondering the true nature of Santa and Mo’s relationship. Is his sacrifice driven solely by love, or is there a more complex motive at play? The lack of a definitive answer adds to the film’s intrigue and compels viewers to engage in discussions and interpretations.

Merry Christmas: A Film Noir for the Modern Age

“Merry Christmas” borrows heavily from classic film noir elements. The morally ambiguous characters, the femme fatale trope embodied by Mo, and the dark, suspenseful atmosphere all contribute to this cinematic style. However, the film updates these elements for a contemporary audience, delving into the complexities of human relationships and the lengths people go to in desperate situations.

Themes Explored in the Film

Beyond the central mystery, “Merry Christmas” explores a range of thought-provoking themes:

  • Domestic Abuse and Survival: The film portrays the devastating effects of domestic violence and the lengths a victim might go to escape a dangerous situation.
  • The Cycle of Violence: Both Santa and Mo are shaped by their past experiences with violence. The film explores the possibility of breaking free from this cycle.
  • Redemption and Sacrifice: Santa’s choice to take the fall raises questions about the nature of redemption and the sacrifices we make for those we care about (or perhaps, for ourselves).
  • The Deceptiveness of Appearances: Throughout the film, viewers are kept guessing about the true nature of the characters. This theme reinforces the idea that things are rarely what they seem on the surface.
Merry christmas Official Trailer



Lesten Gonsalves

"I'm a writer, dreamer, and adventure seeker on a mission to see the world and tell stories that matter. Based in Goa, India.