3 min readAug 30, 2021

Four Fascinating Reasons Your Cat Is Chain Smoking

Our feline friends are a mysterious species. Their behavior has baffled and delighted us for centuries. But every once in a while they do something so befuddling that even the most seasoned cat lover is left scratching their head. Chain smoking is one particular behavior that has had cat scientists puzzled and perplexed. But recent studies have begun to shed light on this unusual cat habit. Here then are four fascinating reasons your cat is chain smoking.

  1. Stress.

It isn’t unusual for human smokers to chain smoke when under stress, and our little cat buddies are no different. We live in trying times and the odds are if you’re stressed out your cat probably is as well. So if you’ve noticed more than the usual amount of cigarette butts in the litter box lately, you might ask your cat if anything has been weighing on him either at home or the office. His answers may surprise you. It might be time for you to treat Patches or Mittens to a nice spa day or even a little weekend getaway. A little time on the massage table or kicking back by the pool may be just the ticket to get them smoking less and smiling more!

2. Relationship Troubles

Has your cat gone through a rough patch romantically? Did that little Siamese number down the street dump him for that long haired Persian that just moved in next door? When emotions are running high it’s not unusual for cats to turn more and more to tobacco while they brood on the meaninglessness of life and the futility of love. It might be time for another spa day or just staying in and scarfing down pint after pint of Ben and Jerry’s and telling your cat, “you can do better. She’s a whore!”Showing your cat that you’re there for them and eating a tremendous amount of ice cream with them is a sure fire way to get them to set aside the Zippo and unfiltered Camels for a time.

3. Financial Problems

Sure, this category could be just lumped in with stress, but financial trouble is a very specific sort of stress because of the feelings of insecurity and uncertainty it dredges up, especially in cats. Has your cat made any unwise investments lately in either the stock market or crypto currency exchanges? If so, that may be the reason you see them smoking a lot more often and muttering “goddamnit” under their breath. These markets have been especially volatile as of late and your cat may have lost a bundle. Why not suggest a spa day (your treat!) or a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant (halfsies!) to help them unwind and offer some sound financial advice? Odds are you’ll notice a significant decrease in their nicotine intake.

4. They Just Really Like To Smoke

Face it, some cats are just born nicotine fiends. They just really really like smoking. Whether it’s a pack over a steaming hot cup of black coffee in the morning or a pack with a glass of wine on the veranda after dinner, smoking one cigarette after another has just always been a real pleasure for them. And when they’re in an environment where smoking is prohibited (the spa, for example), they’re constantly disappearing to some remote corner to sneak a smoke. They can’t help themselves. And deep down they don’t want to. They want to smoke. And smoke. And smoke. And they never want to stop. Cats are stubborn. Chain smoking cats all the more so. All we can do is love them.


Patrick J. McGilligan is an artist inspired by too many nights watching old Sci-Fi and Horror movies. He loves tacos and his imaginary pet monkey.