Lethean February update

Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2020

We would like to begin this update with a thank you to all of our followers that have allowed us to take some time to spend with our friends and family over the holidays. We appreciate your understanding and your continued support.

Development updates

As of the time writing this, nothing substantial has been accomplished over the past few months with regard to the continued development. In our previous survey, we gathered information on others that may be willing to assist us in the development of the project, and we will be reaching out to them in the coming month to gather additional details about their strengths. With potential new members assisting us with the development of the project, we may be able to offer new features and continued improvements.

Survey Results

Last month we released a survey to gather data from our followers. Below are the highlights from the survey.

Of the 45 respondents to our survey, 22% or 10 people stated they use the services every day. By contrast, out of 45 respondents, only 10 had never used the VPN.

The questions about focus for 2020 show that the large majority of respondents would like us to focus on mobile development, and we will take that feedback seriously. The other large percentage asked us to focus on user interface.

Other marketing and communication news

With a moderate resurgence in overall exposure to crypto in the past month or so, I have asked the marketing team to work on finding potential smaller VPN or VPS servers that may be interested in either accepting Lethean as a payment or opening nodes on our network. This would generate more exposure and would allow for further usability. If any developments on this front occur, we will be sure to let our followers know.


As always, you can contact Lethean via any of the social networks below.

Email: Contact@lethean.io




Telegram (community)

Telegram (announcements)









Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution. https://lethean.io/