Payment Gateway, Lethean Reach, and Easy VPN

Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2019

Development updates

Easy VPN development notes

During September, our development team has worked on the Easy VPN. We had a few minor setbacks that have caused the development of the Easy VPN. During the process of integrating the Easy VPN into the wallet. Our development team has informed us that we should, if all goes well, have the Easy VPN ready for internal testing within the next few weeks. Once we have finalized internal testing, we will release the Easy VPN for use.

Payment Gateway

In other development-related news, our development team, in conjunction with a community member, Denis, have established a way to provide new and existing users with a Lethean payment gateway located directly on our website. The payment gateway will allow new and existing users to use Bitcoin to purchase Lethean packages from our website, without visiting an exchange. The functionality of the widget has been tested, and it is working as intended. We are in the process of matching the style of the widget to the style of our website, and once complete, we will be integrating the service on our website. You can view an early screenshot of the service below.

We are hopeful that the service will not take too long to complete, and our target date for implementation is the middle of October.

We are very excited about this development, and the potential new users that it may bring. We are most excited that our community member, Denis, was willing and interested to step forward and aid with this development. We welcome all community involvement, as it expedites the development process, so if you are interested in working with us to make our project better, let us know.

Marketing and communication

Lethean Reach campaign

Over the past month, 150 users visited the Lethean Reach website, with a significant portion of those users coming from the last monthly update, on September 1. We also received a large influx on September 19, when an email blast was sent to our subscriber list. As it stands today, we have a substantial amount of 500 Lethean referrals available. If you have not used the Lethean Reach website, or if you have and you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to help. If you would like to join the Lethean Reach program, you can do so by visiting

Monthly updates will be automatically sent to our Subscriber list.

Since we have lowered out releases to a more manageable once per month, we feel more comfortable sending out monthly updates to our Subscriber list. This will ensure that each of the members we currently have is up to date with our most recent activity, and can quickly and effectively view our monthly updates.

We Are Fundraising!

While the team has been financing the project out of pocket since its inception, we have been seeking to transition away from personal, out-of-pocket financing, and towards a more-sustainable method of covering expenses. We have chosen to focus our efforts on securing funds in two main ways. Namely via third-party investment in exchange for LTHN, as well as applying for grants for non-profit organizations. Progress in either of these methods would provide the Team with an expanded budget for marketing, development, and operating costs associated with server and website upkeep. We ask that members of the Lethean Community that have familiarity with or ideas regarding non-profit fundraising and that are looking to contribute to the project email or DM @atalis#4413 on the Lethean Discord to discuss.




Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution.