I’m learning to love my triggers…

Leticia Rae
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Recently I was thinking, I really hate triggers.

One moment I feel on top of the world and then the next I feel like a complete mess and I am scrambling to hold my head above water. Can’t I just be happy all the time? It’s so nice when I am happy! Is anyone happy all the time? I don’t know. I can’t speak for anyone but myself. Maybe there are people who meditate all the time and have reached this higher consciousness that allows them to see through the BS right away, all the time. And hey, even us “trigger happy” (or not so happy) people have those moments too sometimes.

“The people who trigger us to feel negative emotion are messengers. They are messengers for the unhealed parts of our being.” -Teal Swan

When I look at people in this way, as messengers showing me where I have yet to heal, something shifts in me.

My focus shifts from feeling sad, sense of lack, victimized..etc., to looking at myself and the situation in a different light. BUT FIRST, I need to cry. I need to let that part of myself be sad and angry and hurt. I need to feel that. If I don’t, that part of me will always be there waiting for me to acknowledge it. It is okay for me to feel negative emotion. It doesn’t make me less spiritual or less of a…



Leticia Rae

These are my thoughts and feelings about life. It’s logical. It’s not logical. It’s spiritual. It’s sort of an organized mess.