[.NET Core] Dependency Injection in ASP .NET Core – “Old But Gold”

Thanh Le
Geek Culture
Published in
9 min readApr 15, 2020
Photo by Toby Christopher on Unsplash

In this article, we will talk about the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI). And then try to create a simple DI implementation with the built-in feature of .NET Core with different ways (Controller Constructor Injection, Controller Method Injection and View Injection).

Note: If you already understand what are Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) , Inversion of Control (Ioc) and Dependency Injection (DI) then feel free to bypass these sections.

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

image source: internet

Dependency Inversion Principle is “D” in the SOLID acronym. The DIP has been introduced in the 90s by Robert C Martin. Here is the original article.

DIP is a software design that guides us to write loosely classes. According to the definition of DIP on the wiki:

  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
  • Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

Let me give you an example to describe more about the above definitions. Let’s imagine, you need to write a function that allows the system to send an email to the end-user when they finish an order. There are 2 classes should be created, one for ordering and one for sending the email.

figure 1: SendingEmail and Ordering class

For the first look, there is no problem with the code logic, as “Send” function will be triggered once end-user finish their order. However, it violates DIP because the Ordering class depended upon the SendingEmail class and SendingEmail class is not an abstraction — it is a concrete class. But what is the problem here? What happens if there is a new requirement from the business team that requires you have to change the communication type to use SMS instead of Email?

figure 2: Adding more SendingSMS class

As a result, you will have to create more SendingSMS class and declare an instance of it within the Ordering class. Finally, use “IF ELSE” statement to decide either using SMS or using Email. But it even gets worse, when you have more options to select beside Email and SMS. It means you have to declare more instances of new concrete classes within Ordering class.

The DIP says that we need to decouple the system in such a way that the higher-level modules (in this case is Ordering) will depend on abstractions and use it instead of concrete classes. The abstraction will be mapped to the actual concrete class that will perform code logic. (You can see it in next sections)

Inversion of Control (IoC)

Inversion of Control (IoC) is the technique that helps us to make higher-level modules to depend on abstractions rather than the concrete implementation of lower-level modules. In other words, it helps to implement the (Dependency Inversion Principle — DIP). Let’s come back with the sample that I showed you above and implement IoC.

Firstly, we need to create an abstraction that the higher-level — Ordering class will depend on.

figure 3: ICustomerCommunication interface — an abstraction

And then update “SendingEmail” and “SendingSMS” class to inherit from ICustomerCommunication interface.

figure 4: Update SendingEmail and SendingSMS class

Now let’s change the higher-level module — Ordering class to use this abstraction rather than the lower level concrete class.

figure 5: Update higher-level class

Finally, the design will look like this:

figure 6: UML Diagram

So what we have done here is that we have inverted the control to conform to the DIP. Now our high-level modules are dependent only on abstractions and not the lower level concrete implementations, which is exactly what DIP states.

Dependency Injection (DI)

Although we already implement IoC in our example and the Ordering class depended on ICustomerCommunication abstraction. But we still use concrete classes in the Ordering class (a higher-level module). That prevents us from totally decoupling between classes.

figure 7: concrete classes in Ordering class

That is why DI comes to the picture!

DI is mainly for injecting the concrete implementation into a class that is using abstraction (i.e. ICustomerCommunication interface). The main idea of DI is to reduce the coupling between classes and move the binding of abstraction and concrete implementation out of the dependent class. We can implement DI in 3 ways:

  • Constructor Injection
  • Method Injection
  • Property Injection
  1. Constructor Injection

With this approach, we will pass the object of the concrete class into the constructor of the dependent class and assign it to the interface is using.

figure 8: Constructor Injection

In the above code, the constructor will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle. If we need to pass the SendingSMS’s concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is declaring an instance of SendingSMS class then pass it to Ordering’s constructor as below:

figure 9: using Constructor Injection

2. Method Injection

With using constructor injection we will have to use the instance of the concrete class — either SendingSMS or SendingEmail class during the lifetime of Ordering class. Now if we want to pass the instance of the concrete class on each invocation of the method we have to use Method Injection method.

figure 10: Method Injection

And we will use Method Injection as below:

figure 11: Using Method Injection

3. Property Injection

Now we already know that the dependent class will use one concrete class for the entire lifetime with Constructor Injection approach and the Method Injection will impact to “method” level only. But what if the responsibility of the selection of concrete class and invocation of the method are in separate places. In such cases, we need property injection.

With this approach, we pass the object of the concrete class via a setter property that was exposed by the dependent class.

figure 12: Property Injection

And we will use “Property Injection” as below:

figure 13: User property injection

Constructor Injection is the most used approach when it comes to implementing the DI. If we need to pass different dependencies on every method call then we use Method Injection. Property Injection is used less frequently.

At this time, if you’re a beginner you can get understanding about DIP, IoC and DI. In the next section, we will implement DI with the built-in feature of .NET Core.

Dependency Injection in ASP .NET Core

Photo by Anton Nazaretian on Unsplash

This is a built-in feature in ASP .Net Core. This supports is not limited to middleware, but also support in Controllers, Views, and Model as well. There are two types of service container provided by the ASP.net core: Framework Services and Application Services. The framework services are services that are provided by the ASP.net core such as ILogger. The Application Services are the custom services created base on our requirement.

figure 14: Framework services — ILogger

Dependency Injection in Controllers

ASP .Net Core has built-in support for constructor-based dependency. The dependency required by the controller is simply adding a service type to the controller in the constructor. The ASP .Net Core will identify the service type and try to resolve the type. Let’s make a sample!

Firstly, we will create a concrete named “WelcomeMessage” that inherited from “IWelComeMessage” interface — an abstraction.

figure 15: IWelcomeMessage interface and WelcomeMessage class

Now we need to add this service to the service container so that when the controller is requested for service, it is available to use. We can add the service to the service container in ConfigureServices method of startup class. There are three different life option available: Transient, Scoped, and Singleton (we will come back with these options later).

figure 16: Update ConfigureServices in Startup.cs

The last step, inject service into Controller via the constructor.

figure 17: DI in Controller

Here is the result:

figure 18: DI result

Please make sure you register DI in ConfigureServices method of startup class, if not you will have the below error:

figure 19: DI error

Inject the dependency in Controller methods/actions — Method Injection

ASP .Net Core allows us to inject the dependency into particular action using “FromServices” attribute. This attribute tells the ASP .Net Core framework that parameter should be retrieved from the service container.

figure 20: Method injection

And the result still the same

figure 21: Method Injection result

Note: The property injection is not supported by the ASP .Net Core

Inject service manually

In this method, service is not injected in controller constructor or in the Controller action as a parameter. Using method “GetService” of “HttpContext.RequestServices” property, we can get dependent services configured with Service container.

figure 21: Inject service manually

Inject service into Views

ASP .Net Core can also able to inject the dependency to View. This is very useful to inject service that related to View such as “localization”. We can inject the service dependency into the view using @inject directive.

figure 22: Inject service to View

View Injection can be used to populate the UI elements such as dropdown. The common dropdown-list such country dropdown can be populated from the service. Rendering such things from the service is the standard approach in ASP .Net Core. Alternatively, we can use ViewBag and ViewData to populate the dropdown. The directive @inject is also be used to override the injected service. For example, we are using Html helper service for the rendering the Html tags such as dropdown, textbox, etc. We can replace this service with our own service using @inject directive.

Service Lifetime

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

ASP .Net Core allows us to specify the lifetime for registered services. The service instance gets disposed automatically based on specified life-time. So we do not care about the cleaning this dependency, it will take care by ASP .Net Core framework. There are 3 types of life-times.


The application will create and share a single instance of the service through the application life. The service can be added as a singleton using AddSingleton method of IServiceCollection. ASP .Net Core creates service instance at the time of registration and subsequence request use this service instance.

figure 23: Singleton lifetime


ASP .Net Core will create and share an instance of the service per request to the application. It means that a single instance of service available per request. It will create a new instance for every new request. The service can be added as scoped using AddScoped method of IServiceCollection in ConfigureServices (Startup class).

figure 24: Scoped lifetime


ASP .Net Core will create and share an instance of the service every time to the application when we ask for it. The service can be added as Transient using AddTransient method of IServiceCollection. This life-time can be used in stateless service. It is a way to add lightweight service.

figure 25: Transient lifetime


Dependency Injection (DI) is one of the most important design patterns in software development. This will help us to create a loosely coupled application so that it has provided greater flexibility, maintainability, testability and also reusability. With the built-in feature in ASP. NET Core we can easily apply DI to my applications.




Thanh Le
Geek Culture

A Software Technical Architect — Who code for food and write for fun :)