5 words that could change your life

2 min readJun 20, 2022


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5 words that could change your life

We all remember when we were kids and we sang the “five magic word” poem that had to do with please, excuse me, sorry, thank you, and pardon me.

Then we all sang it like it was a regular song or poem and did not put it to use as we should do.

The five magic words are extremely magical and do things that we would never even think of achieving but we most times do not see it that way.

The five magic words have values and morals instilled in them and are extremely very easy to say.

It sets you free from so many serious challenges and that is why we have to look at it and see the magic it brings and put it to use in our lives.

Those words are not just mere words and it’s high time we start using them to achieve things we have lost and also open greater fortunes for ourselves.

With just five words we would achieve so many untold things and right now we would critically analyze it very well and see the usefulness in our daily living.


Magic words are not only for children but it is for all either young or old, so never think that it only applies to the young lad and you the older ones will do away with it.

1. Please

Please indicate politeness and respect while trying to request from someone. When please is said it means that you recognize the person’s worth as a fellow human being no matter the position he or she occupies in life.

No matter who is older or younger “please” should be said when we want to request something from another. Let’s say a mother wants something and shouted out loud “John! Get me my bag” there is no respect there and the child might grumble or murmur at that but then when you say something like “ please John get my bag from the room”.

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We have just one message to the world and that is, you are enough and remember to smile and hope even in your time of pains.