How to participate in Letsbet (XBET) ICO using MetaMask?


We officially launched our ICO — , using Dutch Auction contract today. You now have the chance to become one of the early XBET-token buyer and it probably won’t take more than 5–10 minutes of your time. Our starting price setup is 0.00015 ETH for 1 XBET token. ICO is finilized when the ETH funds are collected OR it expires on 31.08.2018. Based on the final price tokens will be calculated and distrusted to every participant.

Step 1:

Get an ethereum-browser-wallet. This allows us to send ETH and receive XBET-tokens. For this we go to: and get the extension for our browser.

After we have successfully installed the plugin we have to close and reopen the Browser.

Step 2:

Set up your account.

We now have this Metamask-icon in our browser.

Lets click on it and and set up an account. Accept the terms of use, create a password and save your seed words.
Bam thats it! Now you have an ethereum browser wallet.

Step 3:

Fill your Wallet up.

If you click on the three dots above the send button you get some interesting options. Whats important for you is “Copy address to clipboard”.
Do that and then go to an exchange and send some ETH to your new Wallet.

Step 4:

Get XBET-tokens

As soon as the ETH arrived we can go back to and click on „Buy Tokens“

Type in the amount of ETH that you want to send and click on „Send to auction“

Congratulations you are now a part of Letsbet.

The XBET-Tokens get distributed 7 days after the ICO ends.

If you still have questions please watch this

Find more informations here:

