How to participate in Letsbet (XBET) ICO using ?


We officially launched our ICO — , using Dutch Auction contract today. You now have the chance to become one of the early XBET-token buyer and it probably won’t take more than 5–10 minutes of your time. Our starting price setup is 0.00015 ETH for 1 XBET token. ICO is finilized when the ETH funds are collected OR it expires on 31.08.2018. Based on the final price tokens will be calculated and distrusted to every participant.

If you prefer to use over MetaMask then this short article here will help you.

The important thing about using is to make 100% sure that you’re on the right site. There are hundreds of phishing sites from bad guys who want to steal your ETH.

Step 1:

Create New Wallet
After you made sure to be on the real site you have to type in a password for your new wallet.




Step 2:

Save your Keystore File.
Download this file to continue. Never ever lose this file!
Save it on a external hard drive and put it in your save.

Step 3:

Save your private key.
And same like in Step 2 never ever lose it and never ever give someone access to it.

Step 4:

Unlock your wallet
In our example we will access our wallet with our Private Key. Thats the most simple way but not the savest.
MetaMask would be a better option

Step 5:

Fill up the address with ETH.
It depends where you store your ETH currently. Most people will have it on an exchange. Just send it to your new address and wait till its there.

Step 6:

Get the XBET-tokens.
Go to click on “Wallet” and enter your wallet address from
Then click on “Buy Tokens” and copy the address from there.

Get back to click on “Send Ether & Tokens” and paste the address you just copied from
Type in the amount of ETH and put the Gas Limit to 150000

Step 7:

Keep track of everything.
Go to back to and check your data.

Congratulations you are now a part of Letsbet.

The XBET-Tokens get distributed 7 days after the ICO ends.

If you still have questions please watch this

Find more informations here:

