Ten suggestions for a little brother (from a little brother)

Richard Watkins
2 min readNov 12, 2018


Two of my dearest friends in the world asked me to be the godfather to their second son, and write something for him as part of his dedication. Little Huw, like me, is a little brother to a bigger brother and so I thought i’d offer him ten suggestions from my experiences.

Ten suggestions for a little brother (from a little brother)

  1. Admire this hulking animal. Look at him! Such a beautiful beast! Wherever you go, whoever you meet, he will never be matched. Don’t let temporary frustrations distract you from this permanent truth.
  2. Be thankful that you have someone to follow. It’s not always as fun as you imagine out front, and his pioneering footsteps help you find your stride. Hand-me-downs are a small price to pay for a free spirit.
  3. Don’t attempt to overtake. However much you rush, you can’t catch up. So slow down your breath, give yourself rest, and soak in the magnificence of being always little. This is your right and proper place.
  4. Sharpen your tongue. In battles, you don’t need brute strength for the sweet taste of victory.
  5. Keep your heart soft. You can’t protect yourself from this chaotic world. When the waves come, get help. Don’t be tempted to go it alone.
  6. Girls are luminous. But you will miss out if you take them at a glance. The world asks them such different questions and they move with the moon. So sit down and listen.
  7. Your mother. She is more than you can ever know. Her life arcs over your horizon and she is deeper than you can swim. Ask anyone who knows her.
  8. Your father won’t be perfect. He is from a different time and he’s just a boy like you. But bigger. He gives his best which is enough. This is all anyone can ever ask of you.
  9. Life is play. Everything is a dance. So much is delicious. And so it is with spiritual life.
  10. Stand by your brother. He will need you. You will need him.



Richard Watkins

Lifelong collaborator — founder @letsgohq — creative stuff www.richwatkins.com — Camberwell