Most Innovative Agricultural Startups of 2021

4 min readSep 30, 2021


Agricultural Startups 2021

As the effects of climate change continue to alter our daily lives, the need for innovation in a variety of sectors has become necessary in order for us to continue producing food at an acceptable rate, while also striving for more renewal methods of food production in order to prevent further devastating climate alterations. One industry that has taken this initiative with gusto is the agricultural and agrotech world; which has spurred the creation of numerous innovative and exciting startups. Let’s take a look at a few companies that are taking the challenge of climate change seriously, and finding new and better ways to do things.


For the longest time, pesticides were utilized by individual and large-scale farmers alike in order to get rid of insect-based pests and other biological threats. It’s only in recent years we’ve learned just how toxic and deadly some of these chemicals can be, not just to animals but to humans and the earth in general as well. Terramera is an agrotech company that seeks to solve some large-scale problems for the world. For one, they aim to reduce the use of synthetic chemicals in everyday farming and food production; offering organic alternatives instead. In addition to this, they project a goal of reducing synthetic pesticide use by 80% by 2030 at the latest.


For those looking to create their own greenhouse operation or large-scale farming, Motorleaf will be a useful tool. By utilizing machine learning and AI technology, Motorleaf provides you with accurate insights and predictions for the time it will take for your crops to grow, the expected yield, and the best steps to follow to maximize the growth and yield potential. This assists your business now only by allowing you to prepare for specific yields, but also at making informed choices when it comes to marketing your business, planning labor hours, and making operational decisions.


The control of pollution in wastewater and other filtration organizations is important in order to prevent disease and keep public water supplies clear of contaminants. BioFiltro has created a worm-powered wastewater system, which uses microbes to remove 99% of impurities from the wastewater it recycles. They’ve been in operation for over four decades, helping billions of gallons of water from industrial and municipal services to be filtered. In addition, they currently house over 180 filtration plants worldwide.


For those looking to improve the ways in which they monitor their crops and grow their yields, Kalaxi is a great piece of software for anyone to use. It provides monitoring for AI-powered solar farms, allowing you to monitor the growth of your yield and track weather data to help you make more informed decisions related to your farming. In addition to this, it can also provide time-lapse footage of the food itself being grown; which gives you vital insight into the process of how your farm functions in stages.

Biome Makers

If you’re trying to find out if your soil is good for farming or not, global agrotech company Biome Makers can help. They offer the tech platform BeCrop, which analyzes the biological qualities of different soils and sends insights to farmers to help them improve their farming abilities and overall operation. These data-driven, scientific insights help farmers make informed decisions to better their crops and yield and can lead to an improved harvest as well.


Another company that is working diligently to provide new technologies and systems for agricultural issues is Intelliconn. They seek to end issues with grain spoilage, grain quality problems, and issues with sampling and quality testing. It offers its VeriGrain sampling and data management system, which allows farmers to automate the sampling process of their grain to get a more accurate reading on the health of their granaries and storage.

Livestock Water Recycling

Livestock Water Recycling works by reducing livestock manure. This is done using a recycling system that concentrates nutrients into food crop fertilizers, and in turn, transforms them into clean water sources for farmers. This technology is great for having a greener, cleaner manure management system and can even help farmers save upwards of 20–30% of their initial investment on the product.

If reading this list of agricultural startups got you curious to pursue your own business, or if you’re simply looking to expand into the agriculture market as a new revenue of income for your business, contact Let’s Nurture for a free consultation regarding agrotech. Our expert team of Android App Development or iOS App Development will take a closer look at your existing business processes or the ideas you are having to meet your business requirements and come up with effective and efficient solutions.




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