A Ticket To Thrive from Dot Kids

Welcome to our #TicketToThrive campaign. We believe wholeheartedly that doing something creative with your child will benefit you both. We’ve asked some other people who believe in the power of creativity to talk a little about a benefit they have seen when families get creative, and to suggest a simple activity that you can do at home. Today, we hear from Julie, founder of Dot Kids.

Let’s Play London
4 min readAug 6, 2019

Tell us about Dot Kids: Dot Kids is unique to many other children’s art classes; I have developed an ethos which encourages creative confidence, freedom & experimentation, alongside contextual/social awareness & discussion. Each art workshop is centred around an inspirational artist or art work. Discovery & discussion is encouraged. Each child is able to experiment and create an art piece (often on canvas) inspired by the artist or theme. During the sessions we consider the emotions that art evokes and use self-expression in our own creativity. Together we discover the life & art of inspirational artists, using their stories and art as an influence for our own creativity. We develop Creative Confidence — that every mark we make is a development, a learning process, an experiment, a joy. Together we gain a passion for the creative arts, enhancing our well-being. We develop a deeper curiosity for meaning, developing empathy and self-expression and improving our positive mindset.

My background is in the Creative Arts & Educational Development and I am also a mother of two wonderfully creative children with boundless energy. It was their thirst for knowledge and enthusiasm for creativity which encouraged me to set up Dot Kids. Within the last year I have also added Positive Mindset Sessions too, which build confidence and the ability to better cope with daily stress.

Ticket To Thrive is all about encouraging families to do something creative together. What do families and children gain from coming to your events? I deeply believe that there is a connection between creativity and well-being. Through my workshops children gain confidence in their own self-expression, they are able to verbalise their thoughts and gain empathy for the wider world. Creativity is also one of the most powerful mindfulness acts, helping a child to be focused on the present. This impacts on all areas of a child’s life.

How can families get some of those same benefits at home? My advice to any parent is to allow space for creativity in your home. If possible find an uncluttered area and just leave some blank paper and a pencil next to it. Your child will eventually be drawn to it and will get creative at their own pace.

Julie Bevan is the Dot Kids Creator & Founder, an Arts Educator & Educational Creative Consultant. Julie’s passion is creative confidence & freedom alongside contextual & social discussion to enhance self-expression, well-being and positive mindset. Dot Kids runs workshops in London, Whitstable & Margate. The Dot Kids podcast will be launching late summer, with online workshops alongside. This summer they are holding art workshops every Tuesday at the Old Spitalfields Market. You can find out more about their amazing events and find one near you at their website, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. They have also been kind enough to offer us two free tickets for children aged 4+ to giveaway to their Jean Michel Basquiat Children’s Art Workshop at Old Spitalfields Market on Tuesday 13th August 2019, at 11.30am. Head to the Let’s Play London accounts to enter (links below). Other workshops coming up in August include: Picasso Cubist Portrait Children’s Art Workshop and Pop Art T-shirt Design — Children’s Workshop (Tuesday 6th August), Basquiat Children’s Art Workshop and Frida Kahlo T-shirt Design — Children’s Workshop (Tuesday 13th August), Rothko Cubist Portrait Children’s Art Workshop and Matisse Inspired T-shirt Design — Children’s Workshop (Tuesday 20th August), Yayoi Kusama Cubist Portrait Children’s Art Workshop and Keith Haring Inspired T-shirt Design — Children’s Workshop (Tuesday 27th August). These workshops are advertised for children aged 5–11, but Julie welcomes all children aged 4+.

Let’s Play London shines a spotlight on the best theatre and live performance for Under 5s in London. Find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.



Let’s Play London

Shining a spotlight on the best theatre and live performance for Under 5s in London.