Why Being Hyperfocused Isn’t Always a Positive Trait

The autistic trait very few negatively talk about

Let's Write Cat 🐈
2 min readJan 19, 2024

It’s finally the end of another working week. (FRI YAY). I am not quietly celebrating like I would.






Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

I wasn’t in back to back meetings.

I was in hyperfocused mode today.

PowerPoint and I became best friends.

My task was to revise and update an induction pack. I know it doesn’t seem like much.

I should have updated the out-of-date version. But I dumped it; I had a vision to create something fresh, vibrant, and bold.

My hyperfocused switch was on, and I couldn’t turn it off til the task was done. 6 hours and 33 slides later, I finally thought it would do. During this time,

I didn’t stop to rest my eyes,

I didn’t wear my glasses.

I didn’t stop for lunch.

I am still a perfectionist.

In return, my brain gave me a pounding headache.

I don’t have any extra energy. I don’t want to do small talk or eat. I just want…



Let's Write Cat 🐈

Self identified autistic millennial-on autism, copywriting, solopreneurship, & special interests: 1) books 2) personal finance 3) writing online