Breath, it’s just a bad day, not a bad life

2 min readMay 14, 2024

This too shall pass


In our lives, every day is a mystery; we cannot foresee what will happen today or tomorrow. Life always finds a way to surprise us in some way.

There are days that make us feel that everything is fine and that we don’t need to worry about anything because, in that moment, we’re okay. There are also days when just breathing is hard. And what we can only do is exist.

On those days that we feel that we carry the whole world on our back. And nothing seems to go right. And it feels like the slump we feel in our hearts will take forever to heal. And we can’t do anything but rot in bed. May we remind ourselves that it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

That in that exact moment, the only thing we can do is feel it. To be hurt by our minds. To feel empty or to lose our motivation to do anything. Because it is all normal. In this life, we can’t be happy all the time, and that’s okay. Your feelings are valid. It’s okay if all you can do is scroll on your phone. It’s okay not to do anything. It’s okay not to be productive. It’s okay if you feel hurt or sad. It’s okay to cry, even if you don’t know what you are crying for.

It’s okay if you feel lost or scared and don’t understand anything. You don’t need to figure it out. It’s fine. What matters is you. Rest; you’ve been fighting for so long.

And in those days, I hope you remind yourself that you are worth it; you are enough, even if you feel otherwise. I hope you stay compassionate with yourself. I hope you chose gentleness instead of rage. I hope you choose to hug yourself rather than hurt yourself. I hope you whisper loving words to yourself rather than destroying words. Because even in the bad days, you are enough, you are loved, you are amazing, and you are brave and courageous. Remind yourself that it’s not your fault for feeling that way. You are human; you got tired; you got burnout; and that’s all perfectly normal.

Continue today because maybe tomorrow it will be much lighter, and if it isn’t, then maybe the next day.

In the end, everything will be fine, and if it isn’t, then it’s not the end.

You will be fine, little warrior. Everything will be fine.




Just a struggling college student who put her thoughts into words