Celebrity Chrissy Metz’s Weight Loss Journey

2 min readJan 15, 2023


Losing weight is a challenging task, especially for celebrities who are always under the public eye. However, Chrissy Metz, a Florida-based singer and actress, known for her role as Kate Pearson on NBC’s popular drama “This is Us”, has inspired many with her weight loss journey.

Metz’s weight loss struggles began in childhood, much like her on-screen character. She was born chubby and always felt heavier than her classmates and friends. Her relationship with her mother and step-father also contributed to her body image issues and self-confidence. Her mother loved going shopping with her two slim sisters, and her step-father would conduct forced weigh-ins and joke about locking the refrigerator. These experiences left a lasting impact on Metz.

Before her big break in “This is Us,” Metz’s agent advised her to lose weight, and she did lose 50 pounds, but then gained back 100 pounds. She was suffering from depression and felt like she was eating to feel better, which led to her tremendous weight gain. However, a panic attack on her 30th birthday was the turning point that led to her weight loss.

Metz decided to take her health seriously and went on a 2000-calorie deficit diet. She avoided unhealthy foods and started walking for 20 minutes every day. These simple weight loss strategies made a huge difference to her mental and physical health and she lost 100 pounds in just 5 months.

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The actress shared that “people tend to eat more calorie-rich, processed foods than whole foods, and eating more calories in a day than you need or burn off will make you gain weight.”

Although Chrissy Metz’s weight loss journey was not easy, she has progressed happily and stopped focusing on her weight as much. She has become an inspiration for many, proving that with determination and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

In addition to her weight loss, Metz has also been vocal about her struggles with self-esteem and body image. She encourages people to embrace their bodies and love themselves, regardless of their size or shape. She has also been a strong advocate for body positivity, and has used her platform to spread awareness about the importance of self-love and acceptance.

In conclusion, Chrissy Metz’s weight loss journey is an inspiration to many. Her struggles with weight and body image have been a constant theme in her life, but she has come out strong and has become an advocate for self-love and body positivity. Her determination and positive attitude have led to her success, proving that with the right mindset and approach, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

