an aerospace cocktail

Level Yoga Therapy (nance)
2 min readJun 30, 2022


all the space in the world and yet the urgency…

Did you ever feel like you’d been shaken up and when you were put back on the ground, nothing would ever be the same again? And did you think that this was a one-off? Well, my friend, let me reassure you that, when you are open to true space and discovery in your life (and your psyche), this is a never a one-off thing!

In fact, this tends to be an often-kind-of-thing. You can get accustomed to the jet-lag feeling, like you are not in the right space or at least the same space as your body. Oftentimes I feel misunderstood, but talking about it doesn’t always make it better. Some things cannot be understood when words are given to them. It just muddies the meaning and the experience. And yet this is so integral to our human experience, connecting with others and feeling understood.

I don’t know if I am donkey, but I keep on trying. Interesting to observe how our conditioning can push us either way. Not that it’s an either-or kind of thing, labels and dichomoties are not my kind of thing. I mean to say that some people may choose to stop trying, to preserve their energy, but not me. I have the illusion that I have a limitless oil font, from which my candle can burn endlessly.

On the one hand there is some truth to this when you consider that we all emerge from love and are all (inter)connected so actually the trying is a bit.. unnecessary. Sometimes this gets lost in the day-to-day, everyone in their own bubbles…

Back to the point: I have been shaken like a cocktail, shot into space and set firmly back down on my feet. And I am here, for you, to help you further on your journey. I can’t wait to hear your stories …



Level Yoga Therapy (nance)

For soul searchers & balance seekers. I help you become (more) aware, conscious & relaxed. Never judging. #uplevelyourlife