Leviar update August 2018

1 min readAug 17, 2018


In this post we will talk briefly about what is the team behind Leviar project is up to and announce some news, which are the following points:

  • The team now is working on the daemon and wallet to fix some bugs and issues that happens sometimes during the process of sending coins. That will lead to the next step which is a fork to implement the new code which will take place on September 15th.
  • The next steps are the following

— On August 31st, we will release a mandatory upgrade, both source and binaries.

— On August 30th, the block height for the fork will be released.

— On September 15th, the fork will be activated. So we hope that all the pool owners will keep that in mind and be ready to upgrade their pools.

  • We will also release the block explorer API (+ documentation) on September 10th.
  • We are working currently on the mobile wallet for both Android and IOS devices. Details about the accepted release dates will be announced later on.
  • There will be some adjustments on the roadmap to reflect more precise and realistic roadmap.
  • Please report any issues with the wallet or the daemon on our GitHub repositories:

— CLI issues tracker: https://github.com/leviarcoin/leviarcoin-src/issues

— GUI Wallet issues tracker: https://github.com/leviarcoin/leviarcoin-gui-wallet/issues

We want to thank our community for their patience and support. If you have any question please reach out to us on our official telegram group on: https://t.me/leviarcoinofficial

— Leviar team.

