The art of authentic branding in 5 steps

and why you don’t need to look perfect.

Levi Gaal
5 min readAug 1, 2024

I think this is the first question I get as an expert..

“Levi… What’s the best way to create a proper and successful brand?”

And you might immediately think:

  • Nice logo
  • Fancy color palette
  • Flashy website

But ultimately, all these options boil down to become a mediocre brand.

The truth is, building a brand takes time.
Even if you do all the right things, it takes time for the brand to do its job,
and start generating revenue for us.

So how do you start building a brand?

You see a lot of things in the outside world that other people use that you think might be a suitable tool:

  • Flashy advertising
  • Influencers
  • Trendy social media profile

Well, these options may be good later on, but they also take time to develop. But fortunately, there is another (more effective) way that works for all brands.

The way to elevate your brand and monetize it in the short term is to be unapologetically authentic.

What do I mean by that? Just be yourself.

The brand market is very crowded. The way I see it, it’s only going to get bigger. That’s a fact. Everyone is looking for an opportunity to take a significant slice of the market profit.

I will show you 5 steps to speed up the branding process.

Step 1: You avoid the appearance of perfection

The pursuit of perfection is deeply rooted in many areas of society.

Businesses have also adopted this way of thinking.We believe that a perfect image attracts more customers and generates higher sales.

This belief is not unfounded; after all, who wouldn’t be attracted to a seemingly flawless product, service or offer? We spend hours, days, weeks creating the perfect ↳ CV
↳ email
↳ offer
↳ website
Which takes us in the exact opposite direction. Unfortunately.

The most perfect offer — which I thought was JACKPOT — was the least successful! I was on the verge of giving up many times because of this.
I know this situation. I’ve been there. I’ve done it this way before.
This leads us to our second reason.

Step 2: make yourself and your business transparent

Don’t forget: in an age where transparency is highly valued, the appearance of perfection can undermine trust!

Authenticity, on the other hand, is about being unique and genuine.

It’s about showing the true essence of the brand, including its imperfections.

Authentic brands are not afraid to:
↳ admit their mistakes
↳ share their struggles
↳ be vulnerable.

Looks perfect? Not really. Looks unique, strange, weird? Absolutely. And that’s what makes it unforgettable.

Step 3: you talk about your vulnerability

This is perhaps one of the most difficult of all.

Everyone starts from scratch. From scratch, with an idea in mind.

And most importantly 0 income.

We hardly dare to show the world our initial steps. That we start by tumbling. We don’t even think about the fact that no one expects us to start at the top. And very few people are concerned with the fact that along the way, our initial basic idea becomes better and more usable through failures and corrections.

In my experience, showing that you are vulnerable (like anyone else) is exactly what gives you the greatest strength.

Step 4: you remain authentic, in all circumstances

One of the biggest misconceptions that can lead branding astray is that we want to please (sell to) everyone.

If you remain authentic, you will gain the attention of exactly those who resonate with who you are and how you present yourself. You buy certain products precisely because you vote with your money for what that brand represents.

That’s why, for example, Hong Kong retirees don’t buy extreme cross bikes and don’t drink Red Bull either. Right?

What makes you special is your superpower:
↳ As you think about a problem
↳ As you talk about it
↳ As you really solve it

And once you’ve started on your own path, dare to stay there and not deviate from it.

Step 5: you are not afraid to be unique

As you start building your brand, you will experience and learn a lot of new things.

Mostly how other competitors behave, what tools and pricing they use. Avoid looking for security or safe solutions. Nothing good has yet come of it, only mediocrity.

However, we did not start to be mediocre.

Let me give you an example: Toyota sells the most cars worldwide.
About 9 million. From reliable but mediocre cars. Many are following Toyota’s method in the same market. They remain just as mediocre.

On the other hand, Rolls Royce, which sells 6,000 cars a year. Insignificant next to the big car factories. However, if you ask someone to tell you what a Toyota looks like, no one will be able to answer. But everyone knows what a Rolls Royce is like. Unique. Special. Unique.

By daring to be unique, you gain the following things:
↳ Unique customers
↳ Unique income
↳ Unique schedule

And in addition to all this, a unique reputation. Which, let’s face it, isn’t that bad.


So when the question is how to build a fast and successful brand?
The simple (and only) answer is:
With authenticity.

The idea that the perfect sale is a misconception.

While a polished image attracts initial attention, authenticity is what fosters long-term engagement and loyalty.

The wonderful thing about branding is that it is the real value that will sell your product or service that you have created yourself.

Your customers are not interested in perfection, but in efficiency and the end result that you present to them. Authentically.

That’s why don’t waste any more time decorating the perfect offer, but start and focus on the end result.

Which one you choose: the perfect or the authentic?


I create brands, strategies and concepts based on value and real content with a satisfaction guarantee. Follow me and join my journey here!

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Levi Gaal

Branding expert. Author of "Power of Branding" available now on Amazon. Black belt in Aikido, branding & strategy. Pro brand analysis: