Roland PihlakasinThree LawsAbout the possibility of qualia in non-biological systemsFocusing on the case of true qualia expression capability in digital systems in particularAug 22Aug 22
Roland PihlakasinSimplify.eeA small overview of principles used in various combinatorial optimisation algorithmsAn introduction to combinatorial optimisation strategies that I have used the most during my experiments and also in my workApr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020
Roland PihlakasinUnderstandingsTervislik ostunimekiri neile, kes soovivad vähendada poes käimise sagedustValitud nõnda, et toit oleks hästi saadaval, toitev, kauasäiliv ja soodne. Viiruse puhul on täisväärtuslik…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
Roland PihlakasinSimplify.eePAUL — Tootmise planeerimise moodulRoland Pihlakas, Olaf Räim, Margo Allik — 29. märtsil 2019, “Tark Tööstus” arendusmaratonilApr 3, 2019Apr 3, 2019
Roland PihlakasinThree LawsRobotite maksustamise teema teesid.Parem alternatiiv robotite maksustamisele.Mar 6, 2019Mar 6, 2019
Roland PihlakasinDeep LawÕigusrobootika / ideed tehisintellekti rakendamiseks riiklikus ja erasektoris.Roland Pihlakas, 10. veebruar 2019Feb 10, 2019Feb 10, 2019
Roland PihlakasinThree LawsWhat happens when autonomous robots are not regulated or on the contrary, qualify as subjects of…… or on the contrary, qualify as subjects of law?Feb 6, 2019Feb 6, 2019
Roland PihlakasinUnderstandingsAn abbreviation of the book “Getting to Yes — Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” by Roger…How to use a constructive and empathetic approach towards your opponents in the process of negotiations, resulting in a better outcome forFeb 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019
Roland PihlakasinThree LawsWhat can happen, when we don’t have a clue why a somewhat autonomous gadget does what it does —…Roland Pihlakas, 28. January 2019Jan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019
Roland PihlakasinThree LawsProject: Wise Woman in the Pocket—Google AI impact challenge applicationJan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019