7 Best Extreme Hotels In The World

Alex Levitov
5 min readJan 15, 2018


Even though many hotels have come up to sustain the accommodation of different individuals from different backgrounds, certain factors need to be considered. The hotel industry needs to create features that will leave tongues wagging. Below is a list of unique hotels located in various parts of the world;

1. Natura Vive Skylodge, Sacred Valley, Peru

Only a person that has a high threshold for fear can contemplate booking for a night or two at this hotel. The rooms are made from aluminum and polycarbonate thus the occupant is not exposed to intense wind or harsh weather conditions in high altitude areas. In fact, you need to work hard to gain access to your room. This means that you have to be a professional 400-foot cliff climber or t take a hike through the zip lines. Only ordinary people who exhibit the extra ordinary amount of energy can find it thrilling to book into this facility.

2. Treehotel, Harads, Sweden

Who would have ever imagined that people could stay on trees like the birds? To justify this case scenario, people are encouraged to visit this place to experience something that resembles the nest of a bird. Those who played in treehouses as children can get a rough idea of how it feels like to stay in one of these six three rooms. The hotel management has ensured that luxurious social amenities have been included in the facility to cater to the demands of the guests.

3. No Man’s Fort, Solent, Portsmouth, England

A journey through history reveals that there once lived a ruthless leader known as Napoleon Bonaparte III. To protect themselves from his wrath, the then British Prime Minister Lord Palmerstone facilitated the construction of this fort around 1867–1880. With time, it has been renovated to form one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. The olden materials create antique value since they are made from original iron ceilings and windows. The 22 guest rooms have been designed to fit the modern guest since they contain a glass penthouse, hot tub, a night club, a spa and a club. People can appreciate the history of England by visiting this hotel.

4. Whitepod, Les Cerniers, Switzerland

Hotel establishments are looking for unique ways to create thrilling experiences to guests. Imagine going to your hotel room using a shuttle, ski lift or a snow bike. Of course, that is the best feeling ever. However, only the brave and non-height phobic people will enjoy themselves. You get to enjoy the best view of the Swiss Alps courtesy of these igloo like structures. At first, the guest may be worried about the freezing cold. Fortunately, the dome-shaped igloos have thermo regulators, and you are also allowed to set up a fire using the burning stove.

5. Costa Verde, Costa Rica

It is among the most unusual and unique hotels located in Costa Rica. A person that is looking for a good vacation spot such as the Manuel Antonio National Park needs to book into this hotel to get the extreme experience. It overlooks the Pacific Ocean and other magnificent features. Adventurous people who want to experience the essence of ecotourism and fishing need to take this into consideration. It is even more exciting to wake up to the sounds of the wild birds and wildlife in the morning. Apart from the luxurious privileges, one gets to enjoy the two cliff side pools that have balconies built alongside it.

6. SAS Attrap’Reves, Allauch, France

What these hotel rooms resembles is nothing short of the fictional Cinderella stories. I cannot begin to imagine how it feels like to spend the night inside a room that resembles a bubble. The rooms are inflated like ordinary balls so that it can accommodate the guests during the season. Once the visit is over, they are deflated so that they do not interfere with the air circulation of the pine forest. It is the most appropriate for loved ones who want to get the best view of the sky at night. In case you are scared of the transparency, you can request whoever is in charge to cover it up.

7. Null Stern Hotel, Switzerland

In 2009, a bunker was discovered and transformed into a hotel. Due to evolving and changing needs in a social environment, the hotel manager found it fit to start a hotel to make people appreciate the world of nature. It is one of the most expensive hotels that one can book into with charges of about $335 per night. What is more interesting is that it has maintained its status. They believe that the client has the power to turn it into a breathtaking experience. In fact, it will take 10 minutes for one to locate a toilet. It has no roof or walls, and the local farmers are the main service providers.

