3 min readJul 5, 2024

Do pushups increase your bench press?

Absolutely, pushups can increase your bench press. Here’s how.

Why Pushups Matter for Bench Press

Pushups and bench presses are both upper-body exercises that primarily target the chest (pectorals), shoulders (anterior deltoids), and triceps. Given this overlap, it’s logical to assume that improving in one can positively impact the other. However, let’s dig a bit deeper to understand the mechanics and benefits.

The Mechanics

Strengthening Synergistic Muscles

  • Pectorals: Both exercises focus on the chest muscles. When you do pushups, you engage these muscles in a different range of motion and load compared to bench presses, which helps build muscle endurance and strength.
  • Triceps: Your triceps work hard during both exercises. Pushups, being a bodyweight exercise, help in engaging stabilizing muscles, thus supporting heavier lifts in bench presses.
  • Shoulders: Pushups strengthen your anterior deltoids, crucial for the pressing motion.

Building Muscular Endurance and Stability

Pushups are excellent for building muscular endurance and stability, two crucial factors for lifting heavier in the bench press. More endurance means your muscles can sustain longer periods of exertion, while stability ensures better control and form during heavy lifts.

Supporting Evidence

Study Insights

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research highlighted that bodyweight exercises like pushups could significantly improve upper body strength and endurance. Participants who included pushups in their routine showed noticeable improvements in their bench press performance.

Real-World Examples

Many powerlifters and bodybuilders incorporate pushups into their training routines precisely because of the benefits they offer. Athletes often use pushups as a supplementary exercise to enhance their bench press and overall upper-body strength.

How to Integrate Pushups into Your Routine


To maximize the benefits, include different pushup variations in your workout:

  • Standard Pushups: Focus on form and control.
  • Close-Grip Pushups: These target the triceps more intensely.
  • Incline/Decline Pushups: These variations engage your shoulders and chest differently.

Progressive Overload

Gradually increase the number of pushups or add resistance (like weighted vests) to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth.


Incorporate pushups consistently into your routine, perhaps as part of a warm-up or a superset with lighter bench press sets.


Pushups can indeed increase your bench press. They build muscular endurance, strengthen synergistic muscles, and improve stability. By integrating various pushup forms consistently into your workout routine, you’ll likely see significant gains in your bench press performance.

If you’re eager to boost your bench press, don’t underestimate the power of pushups. Start incorporating them today and watch your strength soar.

Feel free to share your experiences or ask further questions in the comments below!


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