Lewis HemensinDataformAdvanced data quality testing in BigQuery with SQL and DataformIt goes without saying that you should be testing your data quality. I’ve written about this myself before, as have many others. You can’t…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Lewis HemensinDataformGreat data teams build productsIn my current role as CTO at Dataform, I spend a lot of time speaking to data teams around the world, the challenges they are facing and…Mar 10, 2020Mar 10, 2020
Lewis HemensinDataformTesting data quality with SQL assertionsEnsuring that data consumers can use their data to reliably answer questions is of paramount importance to any data analytics team. Having…Jul 10, 2019Jul 10, 2019
Lewis HemensGoogler to Founder - 18 months inToday we finally decided to come out of the woodwork on what we’ve been building — dataform.co, and I wanted to share some of the journey…Jul 23, 20182Jul 23, 20182