Ulysses Alternative for Windows

Lewis J Doyle
3 min readDec 21, 2023

Sometimes I write on my Mac and sometimes I write on my PC. I love them both and rather pathetically, I can't decide to commit to one or the other. But then again, why do I need to (thanks for agreeing).

But when I want to write on Medium.com, I have been gravitating toward the Mac because of Ulysses, the superb writing app. For me though, the strength of Ulysses, and ultimately what compels me to write on it, is not its writing capability, it's the ability to publish straight to Medium. That saves me a step in my publishing.

I was giving it some thought though. I don’t sit at my desk and publish to Medium all day, I perhaps publish a couple times a day over the weekend, and the rest of the week, it’s once or twice. So I then asked myself whether I should be that worried about exclusively using an app that has the ability to publish directly when it saves me perhaps 2–3 minutes tops each time.

You may suggest that any efficiency is efficiency indeed, and you’d be correct, but for me, I take pleasure in the actual writing as much as I do in the output. And of course, I have joy in using both Windows machines as well as Macs. So it’s not quite as simple as faster equals better.

This is a lot of verbiage to get to a point and the point is this: I wanted to find a writing tool that I could use on Windows. I’ve been using Evernote which does the job, but it’s my notetaking app and it's rather bloated with features.



Lewis J Doyle

I'm a chap that loves tech and productivity so tend to write about those things. You can also find me at throughmyeyes.online and @lewisjdoyle