Artificial Intelligence and IoT

The Truth by Lee
3 min readDec 20, 2021


Drastic changes in this era, no less than the digital age, are due to the perfect blend of the Internet of Things (IoT) coordinated with artificial intelligence. A significant amount of data from multiple sources can be fetched within a period that is no less than the tenure of an eye blink. So many aspects of life upon which the future lies revolve around artificial intelligence running parallel with the Internet of Things (IoT). Although it is pretty apparent and well observed that IoT has shaped the future of not only business but the industrial sector and the entire marketing world, but, to some extent, it is fair to say that artificial intelligence is dominating IoT.

The bond between Artificial intelligence & IoT:

Whether it is a self-driving car, smart wearables, smart traffic surveillance applications, smart retail analytics, or smart home appliances, all of these need stimulation by artificial intelligence. Thus, it can indeed be said that a lot more exploration and progression need to be done for the complete convergence of artificial intelligence and IoT. In this way, the industrial, business, and entire marketing sectors will be revolutionized with very little or even no interference or guidance by humans to track the behavior of smart applications.

With the rising popularity of artificial intelligence and IoT, a significant number of businesses have adopted their concepts as the essential base of their foundation already. Moreover, the foundation of new projects associated with marketing, business, and industries is now being laid upon the pillars of AI & IoT as well. According to one of the surveys conducted recently by the tech tend survey corporation of the SADA system, it has been demonstrated that AI blended with IoT is the most popularly use of technology of the current digital era. Not only this, but when it comes to investment, the currently highly invested area of top-notch technology is in the forefront.

The hype of AI and IoT:

The IBM global C-suite study program stated that the reinvention of business by digitizing communications and business interaction is now being done under the broad umbrella of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. According to the most recent trial conducted by the institute of IBM, it has been indicated that out of 25 respondents, 19 were highly focused on the augmentation as well as benefits associated with AI and IoT. Both large companies and startups keep the technology based on AI as the top priority to unleash the full potential of IoT. Companies like Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft, and Oracle, have also been consolidating the capabilities AI and IoT.

Artificial intelligence unlocks the Internet of Things:

When it comes to the Internet of Things solely, it will never be wrong in saying that it is all about the sensors which are implanted into the machines to offer streams of data using internet connectivity. When it comes to the benefits associated with IoT enabled by AI, it will never be wrong in saying that it covers the entire community of companies and the related aspects right from the consumer interaction, risk prediction, management, innovative products discovery, automatic inspection interventions, proactive inventory, and personalized experience.

A continuous and static stream of data is constantly being crunched by AI over IoT. Moreover, detecting patterns that are not deceptive on simple gauges has also been done using a perfect blend of the IoT and AI. Artificial Intelligence paired with IoT aids in predicting and understanding a wide range of risks. In addition to this, the automation of risk for the appropriate and prompt response has also been done by artificial intelligence paired with IoT.

In the current era of remoteness, communication strategies have been highly enhanced under the aspect of natural language processing, which has allowed people to communicate easily around the globe. Moreover, the benefits of artificial intelligence paired with the internet of things are not only limited to innovation, but the effectiveness and capabilities of currently existing products have also been enhanced using a perfect blend of IoT and AI.



The Truth by Lee

• SPM •ex-Software Eng Al/ML •Investor •Philanthropist •International Affairs Commentator.