6Small Sized Pets That Make For Great Companions

Lewis Khan
5 min readMar 22, 2018


Tiny and cute little pets can be great as companions just like the bigger ones and the health benefits of keeping them as pets are well known. This includes improved self-esteem and beat the feeling of loneliness. Having pets is said to lower the heart rate and blood pressure as well.

Small sized companions come in different shapes and sizes and due to their adorable cuteness it’s hard to decide which one would be great for you and your family. Therefore, here is a list of cute, little furry animals which can help with your decision to have the right one for your choice:


Mice are tiny natural explorers who are fun to watch as they climb up and down the rope and dash through tunnels. They are usually friendly and rarely bite.Due to their small size, they arevery quick, so it can be difficult for small children to catch hold them.

Having them is a completely different experience as a pet owner and their cute and funny activities are enough to entertain any person.


Hamsters are very active and fun-to-be-around pets. They are nocturnal and that’s why they are fast asleep during the day. They emerge just when it’s time for us to go to bed. They are very quick and hence people love to play with them.

It’s also important to know what kind of hamster you’re getting as there are generally two that you can choose from.Dwarf hamsters like company and can be kept in pairs or groups, and Syrian hamsters are solitary who like to live alone. So, it would fun to watch themin pairs.


Watching Gerbils and their funny moves is immensely funny. They are burrowing animals by nature, hence they love to spend hours digging just for the heck of it which can be captivating!

As they are quick and agile, so young children can find it quite difficult to hold them. However, they are more interesting to watch than to handle.

Guinea pigs

For both children and adults, guinea pigs can be good companions. They are always delightful to watch and have a varied body language. So, once you get to know them it will be easy to understand when they are happy, sad, excited or hungry.

They don’t just like to live in a hutch at the bottom of the garden but need shelter from all extremes of weather.Having a walk or run with them when they want to graze freely can be something that you can get used to.Being gentle by nature, guinea pigs can buddy up with your kids.

They tend to live up to seven years. So if you are looking for a great companion who can stay with you for long time, getting a guinea pig would be ideal.


Many people are of the opinion that rabbits are excellent pets for children. They are hyper active animals and are always ready to show their lithe and rather quick moves at all times. However some rabbits need hutches where they feel secure. When they get comfortable with their owner, it is easy to groom them with right set of rabbit clippers.

They really do make for good companions for children as long as their housing is correct and the handling is done with sensitivity under adult supervision. Having a little wooden hut with some area to run around freelywill give your children the opportunity to sit quietly and wait for the rabbits to come to them.


Chinchillas are small-sized but they are intelligent, happy and can be quite interesting companions to have. When you see them happy in their homes, you can teach them to perform basic tricks in return of a treat. This way you can enhance the bonding with them while also having fun.

Chinchillas are nocturnal animals andenthusiastic dust bathers, so they do make quite a lot of mess! Therefore they need a large cage plus a dust bath which is also essential for their mental and physical well-being. A large cage with different levels for their accommodation is ideal for them as they are responsive and lively animals to burn off all the energy, they need exercise time out of their cage as well.

Chinchillas like to live in pairs or group so bring a pair or two. They also have a long lifespan of around 15 years. So, it would be better to think and then make a decision if you are buying them for your children.

When buying any small pet for yourself or your children you must always take suggestions from a reputable breeder. Make sure the animals have been cared for properly and are of the right age to leave their mothers. These little furry pets can really make our life cheerful. From their funny, speedy moves to those lovely sounds, they have everything to cheer us making them great companions for us.

