The Black Full Monty: Disrobing the rainment of Mental Enslavement

4 min readMay 4, 2022


Stereotypes about the sexual prowess of black people have been a constant feature ever since the first European contact with Africa and have an equally ubiquitous presence in literature, journalism and art

They antedate this particular program and this is important as this historical and social context is needed to understand people’s gripe with it. It should be not be looked at in isolation

These man represent the stereotype of Modern day Mandingos

  • immortalised in Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Towe through the character of Dred 1852
  • Left wing( Daily Herald) newspapers ran headline BLACK SCOURGE IN EUROPE: SEXUAL HORROR LET LOOSE BY FRANCE ON THE RHINE
  • Black men get portrayed as hyper sexualised and more often than not as rapists

This program plays into two Sides of the same hyper sexualised myth that Black men have superhuman sexual prowess & are inherently deviant in nature.

The documentary perpetuates stereotypes and swerves very serious issues

Most harrowing thing for me is two no good, sellout coons who cash in on a sexual economy that profits of colonial stereotypes of black men big d*cked thuggish men.

The owners get paid 6000 pounds a night the dancers get 200 pounds a night they can not see they are getting robbed — overseers of the Chocolate Men Plantation — modern day Uncle Genes(Roberts- Informat Malcolm/Panthers) / Stephens from Django. Those men are rich in wealth but morally bankrupt particularly as black men exploiting over young black men.

One of my major problems was although there were women of all ethnic backgrounds in there, it was the focus on white women- it unsettled me.

Even seeing some of the sisters indulding in this degradation upset me.

Some of the White women in the doc we meet were a 71 year old who sews willy warmers- left her husband in the 70s to chase after black men

An almost 50 year old woman attends the shows WITH HER DAUGHTER praising black men as “eye candy” , recounting her time on the hip hop scene . Thanking black men for the gifting of her mixed race daughter- the daughter positioned solely as a product of this apparently benevolent relationship white women and black men made me extremely uncomfortable.

The show does not explore the nuances of mixed race and multi racial unions-for example Akalas mother being labelled an n word lover, disowned by her own father and Akala feeling uncomfortable with her whiteness and how it impeeded on a part of their relationship- how race became a factor into their relationship.

It does not show the noted thread of mixed race children having idenity crisis’ in their formative and or teenage years & their role in History as pawns in the games of European Terrorism.

that show black men are the ones who do it the most but receive the least for it no upward mobility no newfound status

The most uncomfortable moment was when she has a little bit of black in her forever with her mixed race daughter right by her side. This shows the parasitic nature of racial fetishisation at it’s ugliest.

One unnamed white woman in Dublin justifies her attendance at the shows and pleasure at the “vulgarity” as subversive, apparently as a kind of revenge against years of sexual objectification against (white) women, presumably by black men.

Her ignorance at the history of racial injustice is not amusing, or even pitiful, it’s just angering. As well as the weaponising of her victimhood as a woman to turn it on Black women is a pyschological operation in it’s self.

As if numerous Yurugu Women are not responsible for 1000’s of black men being lynched or jailed for crimes they did not commit.

I think social stigmas about sex workers should be addressed but not in a jovial light hearted way as this is not the time to do so.

In my personal opinion this is not the time for such foolishness to be airing when the COVID 19 pandemic is disproportionately taking black lives in vast numbers across the world and systemic globalised white supremacy refuses to rest. channel 4 choose this time to air it

Black people need to free ourselves from the arsenal of complexes that has been developed by a colonial environment causing the enslavement of the mind.

Shows like this reinforce the ideology that there is a latent sexually deviant gene within people of African descent that gets activated around benevolent or lower class Non Black Women.

It is also promotes black men as being ill- disciplined & animalistic.



