Q&A: Talking Artificial Intelligence, Art & Stress Management with California-based Entrepreneur Patrice Nko’o

Alexandra Dunton
3 min readFeb 8, 2017


Workplace stress in the fast-paced virtual climate is increasingly becoming a predominant source of stress for adults throughout the globe. As technology evolves at a rapid pace, workplaces and their employees face a host of new challenges. Whilst everyone experiences stress at work, for the tech industry, understaffed IT departments in upcoming areas like big data, security, mobile developers etc this has become even more so.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA),

Along with its emotional toll, prolonged job-related stress can drastically affect your physical health. Constant preoccupation with job responsibilities often leads to erratic eating habits and not enough exercise, resulting in weight problems, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.

The APA also cites a loss of mental energy in addition to the health problems that can stem from a negative working environment or a stressful job. It can also perpetuate a negative and cynical attitude, leading to problems with depression, which can ultimately impact on your immune system.

We caught up with a California-based Entrepreneur, member of the American Institute of Stress, Patrice Nko’o Founder of the Tech4Stress, who will launch new Mobile Apps in the market later this year.

He has created a tool for stress performance management. It helps us to work more efficiently through a cloud based platform by using artificial intelligence to manage stress at home or in the office.

Lex: Patrice, tell me about your background as a business leader. What was your story before ‘Tech4Stress’?

Patrice: For the past 20 years, I’ve worked in different countries around the world throughout Asia, America, Africa and Europe. From fashion to banking I’ve worked as an Accountant, a Business Consultant, as well as an Assistant Professor in Finance for different Business Schools.

Lex: How has the high tech revolution changed the business landscape?

Patrice: Data Science has completely changed the workplace. Social Media has altered the way we communicate and e-learning the way we learn.

Lex: What are the challenges facing the business leaders of today?

Patrice: The biggest challenge is for them to keep evolving at the same pace as the High Tech is evolving. The right vision can help them to move out of their comfort zone.

Data has exploded in the last few years, which has created a lot of pressure on data scientists to deliver, even though they didn’t receive the proper training to efficiently perform.

Lex: Within this changing landscape, how can businesses survive within this competitive market?

Patrice: They need to expect to be disrupted or start to disrupt their own market.

Lex: What inspired you to found the Tech4Stress Community?

Patrice: My passion for different Arts (Literature,Music,Video,Painting), an interest in emotional intelligence topic, and a natural empathy vis à vis of others.

Lex: How can the Tech4Stress Community help entrepreneurs, employees, sports people and CEOs?

Patrice: It can help them to gain a better understanding of themselves and their emotions within a fast moving and unpredictable economy. Tech4stress Apps will use music, video, images and quotes as a tool to manage their emotions. Several studies by Stanford and Berkeley Universities have shown some positive effects of images or music on the brain.

Lex: How do Digiworld news readers find out more?

Patrice: By reading the blog on www.tech4stress.com, find us on Twitter: @Tech4stress1 @PatriceNkoo. and through all our 9 Tech4stress Mobile Apps: Leadership Apps, Success Apps etc.



Alexandra Dunton

CEO of @LEXMarketing & Editor-in-Chief & Founder of @Digiworldnews Sharing insights in #tech #digital #marketing #womenintech