Love Is Everything !!!

You can give without love, but you cannot love without giving…

What Is Love To You?
3 min readOct 10, 2022


Photo by Oksana Zub on Unsplash

Love is not just a smile, not just a flower, love is a soul wounded and then healed by another… Love must be learned, tried and experienced…

The first touch is never its full expression…

A love that you have to guard is nothing. But that’s what truly jealous people will never understand.

Jealousy is born with love, but does not die with it…

Whoever loves and is loved will never be the same person as before… Remember: next to the highest point of happiness lies the deepest abyss of pain…

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

Don’t break the thread of a friendship, for even if you tie it again, the knot remains…

Don’t think you can set the course of love, for it, if it deems you worthy, will set your course!…

Love is not only flowers, smiles, love, but also tears, desire, passion and that is why few have the privilege of discovering its power.

Who has the ability to fall in love, can always trust in love and in the value of the man he has fallen in love with!

Love is like a disease that if you don’t treat it gets worse… and like any flower that if you don’t water it withers…

You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her!

Love is all we want, and in the end it’s all we have. If there is a meaning to life… then THAT is the meaning, if not… THAT should be…

Without love we’re orphans of all; without passion we’re like a windmill hanging in a void!

In love you feel more than you need, you suffer more than you think, you dream more than you live…

Our happiness lies in what makes man realize that he is human and stay that way.

Only a great misfortune can show us how unbearable are “unbearable” grievances. Perfume represents the feelings of flowers.

True friendship is like a rose: you don’t realize its beauty until it fades… Touch the untouchable star and don’t forget those who believed in you.

Love is a stolen kiss, an innocent smile, a passionate embrace… and a soul torn from the breast… A generous love always has its will prepared in advance.

Love shared by people is the greatest force that exists in the world and the most important source for poetry…
Parting has something of the melancholy of dusk, a soft glow that hides in it the warning of darkness…

Friendship is like love without wings… If you did not love, how could you treasure the dazzling sunlight and the caressing moonlight?

The measure of man’s life is not time, but the good use of it.
Only a life lived for others is a life worth living.

Justice may warn us of what it is well to avoid; but only the heart tells us what it is best to do…

There is no duty we more underestimate than that of being happy…

Love of country, love of parents, love of friends, love of all that surrounds us is everywhere and overwhelms us every minute we live.
I have a trivial question for you… “Was Love born through woman or was Woman born from Love…?”

Learn to let a smile bloom on your face.

Man was not created to be happy but to oscillate between the madness of discovery and the boredom of harmony.

Happiness is only the bait that will keep him in the trap until the end.

It is the gift you give to your neighbour, it is the gift you give to the whole Universe!

Everyone has his own philosophy of love…, some have forged it out of wood, others out of stone…

Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.



What Is Love To You?

Relationships, mental health, business (Live Authentically!)