The Lexer V2 Movement

Powered by Arbitrum Eco Perp Trading

Lexer Markets
5 min readDec 1, 2023

Dear Lexorians and Anon Traders of the Arbitrum Kingdom:

Markets seem boolish. Good happy feelings are rising. Crypto twitter appears pleased. Arbitrum overlords are dropping free ARBs.

We’re ready.

Welcome to Lexer v2, or as we’re calling it: Lexellency.

(Not actually calling it that, but you get the idea. It’s excellent stuff.)

First up…

The Hybrid Liquidity Engine

There are distinct advantages to every type of perp dex liquidity model, so we decided to build them all in one place: the Hybrid Liquidity Engine.

At the start of the v2 launch, this engine will offer two of these liquidity models, Multi-Asset Liquidity and Synthetic Liquidity, with a third model, Lending Liquidity, coming soooon.

Tap into your fav liquidity style

Multi-Asset Liquidity Pool (Combining CoreCrypto & Arbi)

These current v1 pools are for the old school traders and liquidity providers. Users familiar with GMX’s GLP will recognize this as an effective way to build up deep liquidity for degen-lite long & short leverage (up to 30x) on assets like BTC, ETH, and ARB.

Take a peek here for the current V1 versions 👇
Lexer Markets Liquidity: CoreCrypto
Lexer Markets Liquidity: Arbi

These will be combined into one central liquidity engine for V2. Even on swap fees alone, this type of liquidity is a great way to earn consistent fees on your bluechip assets.

Synthetic Liquidity Engine

For liquidity providers, this one is fairly simple: use your USDC to start stacking yields with risk-reward exposure to trader PnL. A good way to stack USDC and earn yield, especially if traders are having a rough time in some turbulent markets.

For Lexer traders, however, this is where the fun begins.

A Quick Survey for Synthetics
(*answers already provided for you*)

Do you enjoy 100x leverage? Yessir.

Got a good sense for some exotic or forex markets? Love it.

Wanna trade on select Arb eco tokens? You already had me at 100x, ser.

Essentially, the Synthetic Liquidity Engine is designed to drive our degen spirits wild.

And the best part is that we’ll be looking to launch pairings on any current hype fest, any trending narrative, any hot token, anywhere — so be ready!

Check out our docs for more info on the Hybrid Liquidity Engine (include the Lending Liquidity model).

The Smart Router

So the Hybrid Liquidity provides funds for tradooors and yields for yieldooors — but how can we get the max efficiency out of all these different pools? How do we make it as painless as possible for traders?

Enter the Smart Router.

Lexer v2 keeps all trading in one straightforward interface and lets the Smart Router do all the work under the hood.

Looking for a Forex trade? Smart router will connect you to the synthetic pool.

Looking for the cheapest rate for an ETH trade? Smart router will hook you up with the cheapest pool.

Looking to trade without the liquidation risks? Smart router will connect you to the lending liquidity pool (Wen? We’re working on it!).

Essentially we developed the Smart Router to make trading as seamless as possible, so that traders could focus all their energy on what they do best, trading.

Check out the docs for more on the Smart Router.

Security: Oracles & Audits

One thing we’ve learned from years in DeFi building and trading — no one makes any profit if security isn’t the priority. So for Lexer v2, we focused on providing the most efficient and safest user experience possible.

First, our oracle system will be powered by the Pyth Network.

Three key reasons for Pyth 👇

  1. Pyth’s near-zero latency: Pyth specializes in providing the lowest latency. This means Lexer v2 traders will get the best real-time price feeds in the industry, which means safer and more accurate trading. This is good.
  2. Improved accuracy: Pyth aggregates price feeds from over 90 trusted parties, ensuring accurate and reliable prices. This is also good.
  3. More robust markets: Pyth will provide our traders with access to more robust markets. And more robust markets means more robust opportunities. This is also good as well.

Check out the docs on our Price Oracle.

Second, Lexer v2 has been audited by Hyacinth.

With great innovation comes a great need for audits.

Through the Hyacinth audit firm, Lexer contracted two veteran smart-contract auditors OxWeiss and 0xKato to perform a comprehensive audit on Lexer v2.

The audit included the following:

  • Testing the smart contracts against both common and uncommon attack vectors
  • Full check for best practices with a deep review of the contract logic
  • Cross-referencing contract structure again similar smart contracts built by industry leaders
  • Thorough line-by-line manual review of the entire codebase

For the full audit report and other security measures taken by the Lexer engineering and security team, please check out our Security docs.

Bullish Times Call For Bullish Measures

The Lexer v2 Movement will be unleashed in a four-phase campaign 👇

The V2 Movement!

Perhaps your eyes were drawn to one phase in particular:


It’s coming.

But before it goes completely public, we want to reward our loyal Lexooors with a little bit of early-bird love.

Keep your eye on any upcoming Lexer discord AMAs for the secret deets.



Lexer Markets

Decentralized Perpetual Exchange: Long, Short, Swap, Perpetual Everything.