Migrating from Squarespace to Ghost

Alex Kontis
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Recently, I moved my website from Squarespace to Ghost and it was a process that was about as complex and time consuming as I’d thought it’d be.

In short, my new Ghost site is running on a Digital Ocean droplet and has halved the price I was paying to Squarespace.

Don’t get me wrong, I would still recommend Squarespace and think it’s a fine service but the small things that bothered me — how slow and heavy it felt, lack of integrations etc — began to mount up. Shiny new toy syndrome kicked in and so I gave myself the extra work of migrating to Ghost and learning a few things in the process.

I’ll take you through each of the steps that I followed for setting up the Ghost site followed by migrating my content and pages, which was the finicky part of the process.

The vast majority of the process was following Matt Birchler’s YouTube series so if you’re a visual learner then this is the guide to follow.

Once I’d gone through this process there were a couple of things to iron out.

The first was making sure that my email address was no longer being managed through Squarespace. Spacespace have an integration with Gsuite (or whatever it’s called now) and I’d ponied up for that in the past.

