How to Avoid Getting Banned on WhatsApp

Luiz Fernando Delphino
8 min readSep 12, 2018

What has worked so far for sending up to 120 new messages/hour and I hope Mr. Zuckerberg doesn’t come here

WhatsApp Official Logo

With over 1.3 Billion monthly active users, WhatsApp is a globally known messenger, so why not talk to my customers directly on the App?

Well, that’s the problem. WhatsApp is like an overprotective mom that doesn’t want to see their users upset for receiving spam and junk messages, so the solution for that is banning everything that looks like spam, if you have a big number of customers waiting for your message this may become a big issue.
From WhatsApp’s point of view, bots are not wrong but you should only reply to messages and never start a conversation but, of course, you have no choice and need to start the conversation, that’s why you are here!

The easy way: Send an SMS to your customers with a link so they can start a conversation with you or your bot. After that you just gotta ACT AS HUMAN AS POSSIBLE and everything will be all right.
If that’s not possible either there is only one way left: play WhatsApp’s game. Avoid spamming and carefully follow the rules I’ve learned after lots of banned accounts.

Dos and Don’ts:



Luiz Fernando Delphino

Full Stack Web developer engaged with back end development. A chatbot and innovations enthusiast, if I had to describe myself in 2 words: Python and MongoDB!