Tips to open a successful gaming lounge

3 min readSep 26, 2016


We are watching a boom in Gaming industry and people wants to ride this opportunity. Many of us see Gaming Lounges as a business and wants to make fortune out of it but beware you might lose all your investment if you don’t do your research and just jump into this industry without creativity. Here is some tips which can help you in starting a Gaming Lounge and running it in efficient way-

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Research on Demographic and surrounding of Area

Invest some time in researching about the place you want to start gaming lounge in. You should notice the paying capacity of people around mainly the youth because they are your target audience. Choose the area which is near to college, school and easily reachable.

Multiple platforms — PC/Consoles/Virtual Reality/Arcade Machine

Gamer community consist of gamers who plays on differnet platforms and you have to cater all those. Single platform can not give you economical support to expand your business. Multiple platforms will increase your daily revenue and helps you stand in this competitive market. With the options of latest Hardware you should also buy all major games and Series so that you don’t lose a customer just because you don’t have the game he wants to play.


Gamers come to your lounge to play and have some good time so the ambience of your lounge should be good. There should be Air Conditioning and good sitting arrangement. He can be your returning customer if he feels comfortable in your lounge and you need customers like this. You can use gaming chairs for people who are playing games and good sitting arrangement for people who are waiting for their turn.

Food and Drinks

Food and Drinks are essential in any gaming lounge, it has more benefits than many think. Gamers normally plays for hours and they surely need something to eat/drink. If you don’t have this facility gamers will order food/drinks from somewhere else maybe from any foodjoint near your lounge. All that revenue can be yours with margin of at leat 40%. Food and Drinks will contribute at least 20–30% in your total revenue. Your menu should contain items that are cheap and fresh.

Run Efficiently

Run your gaming lounge efficiently so thay your daily revenue increases. Ask your gamer to book before they come either online or by call. There will be many times that gamer come to your lounge but he didn’t find slot to play, this will effect your revenue and you might lose customers so get yourself a booking platform. You can create your own booking platform or you can partner with any startup who are into this field.

Be creative

If you are thinking you can make fortune by running a gaming lounge in conventional way, you should think again. People who invested their hard earned money lost their investment because they don’t want to do anything new and want to run it in same way. Your Lounge be a place where people should love to visit not some random lounge where you find a bunch of gamers playing like zombies. Creative things you can do are —
Hosting gaming events every week/month.
Giving some discount/prize to regular gamers
Getting new Gaming Hardwares
Gamers Workshop
Gamers Connect etc..

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