What if? Chapter 03

Ayesha Hussain
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


Series: What if Superheroes exist?

Chapter 03: Space Adventure

Photo by author

Victor, Steve, and Ben work for NASA. They all were best friends and close to each other. They were together from middle school. NASA was working on the mission to Mars. First, they sent a monkey to the mars and it was a success. Monkey came back alive and fit.

Now, Humans were next to go on Mars and to check out the Atmosphere and Environment so, that they could grow crops and check if Mars was suitable for humans.

Victor, Steve, and Ben were not selected to go on that mission as they were not ready to do it dangerous mission. Three of them were very anxious to go but they couldn’t!

Victor planned to go to NASA at night when nobody would be there and he would sneak out and operate the machine and would go and be back there again home like nothing happened!

But Victor was afraid to go alone so he told his plan to Steve and Ben. They hesitate at first but then Victor gives them confidence so, they both agree.

Later that night, All three of them sneak into NASA; and start operating the machine. Once the machine is on, they just have to get in and it will eventually reach there by sometime.

They reached Mars, and at the same time in charge of the machine got an alarm about someone who on the machine. She ran to NASA and she found out that the machine was gone. She tried to communicate with the person who had taken it. She told them to come back but the three said that they were here now on Mars, and would come back after they explored other things. Lily, the in charge was very operative with them, she helped them instead.

Victor, Steve, and Ben were happy to be there on Mars. The sky was orange-black, and the land was black. They found an inappropriate lake that looked like water but was of green color. They wanted to touch it as they wanted to see what it was. Victor touched it, it was no water but some kind of energy that was activated by Victor’s touch. Volcano bursting started and from land, energy started bursting. They ran towards the machine to get back home and to be safe but energy got upon Victor, and first his suit and then his skin started burning, Steve and Ben wanted to help but couldn’t as Victor fell into the lake of energy.

Both ran towards the machine; and tried to close the door but the air was not on their side. The door wasn’t closing, Steve caught fire; and many rocks were upon Ben. Lily was trying hard from there to communicate and close the door so that they could back. But the luck was on their side! She managed to close the door and they both got back home.

In the morning, the whole NASA team was there. Steve and Ben were in separate rooms as Steve was on fire but he was not burning. And Ben was full of rocks and was so strong that he could break anything. The head of NASA; reported to Lily and she told everything to them. Team of NASA decided to be with Steve and Ben and work on there powers. They will use them for world protection and also for there’s.

Steve could Splash fire out of his hands and he also could fly. Ben is covered all over with rocks. He has a lot of power!

They are superhero now!

Chapter 04: The Swordsman

Coming soon on Thursday!

Stay tuned

Happy reading



Ayesha Hussain

Multi-tasker! Can Write about anything! like anything that you want to read, Poetry and Gives the best advise on Science, Health, Life, Creativity and many more