What if? chapter 06

Ayesha Hussain
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


Series: What if Superheroes exist?

Chapter 06: The villians

Photo by author

Disclaimer: If you haven’t read the other chapters of WHAT IF, you cannot understand this chapter!

Where there are heroes, there are always supervillains!

De Kock was living a peaceful life and was very happy to help others, the people of that city were safe and secure when De Kock was there.

One day, a bank was being looted by robbers, De Kock reached there and saw a robber wearing a mask of Joker, who was the head, while others were wearing normal black masks. He fights with others and can defeat them but the head of the robber who was wearing a mask Joker escaped and went toward the hostages there De Kock saw, he had a bomb and if De Kock didn’t surrender he was going to blast it.

De Kock cannot do anything but take down his machine. At that very moment, a van came up and Joker got into that van and vanished away. De Kock was happy that nothing happened but he was very concerned about who he was and he will come back anytime. The Police cannot do anything but make up a wanted poster of Joker and stick it everywhere.

At the same time in New York City, a strange bat 🦇 was found everywhere but no one was able to find him and no one knows what that creature was. Even Belle, the butterfly was not able to find that creature but it was necessary to find him and stop him as he was destroying forests, lakes, rivers, and bridges.

One day, in the forest where Belle usually goes, she sees him and he is like her, with wings like a bat, teeth like a bat, and a human body.

Belle tries to capture him with the help of her powers but he sees him and escapes, and says to Belle that this forest is next that will destroy!

That’s the end of today’s episode!

Stay tuned to find out more about that Joker and that bat!

Next chapter coming soon!

Stay tuned!

Happy reading!



Ayesha Hussain

Multi-tasker! Can Write about anything! like anything that you want to read, Poetry and Gives the best advise on Science, Health, Life, Creativity and many more