What if? Chapter 07

Ayesha Hussain
2 min readFeb 26, 2024


Series: What if Superheroes exist?

Chapter 07: Villians are not born, they are made!

Photo by author

Let’s go back again to the past when Ben and Steve were able to reach Earth safely from Mars.

One random day they were just practicing their powers in the forest when a sudden lightning struck a tree and it falls.

They saw a flying creature not identifying who was it, but it had wings like a bat! In the blink of an eye, he went away. Steve and Ben were shocked what the hell was that? And then again, in the sky, the clouds started to gather around making like a Cylon, with lighting splashes. And here comes a man with a mask on his face, flying but no wings! It was something else.

The man got down and started attacking Ben and Steve. Both defending but he was very powerful, he could burst lightning out of his hands and Air also.

Ben and Steve were frightened about who the h!ll is that man and why is he attacking us. Then after moments of fighting, the man stops and said, do you know who I am Ben and Steve?

Both were shocked how did he know their name? They say simultaneously, Fu*king No!

Then the man said, I am that guy who loves you, I am that guy who knows you very well, I am that guy who motivated you to go to Mars! And you Fu*king guys left me there!!??

Both didn’t say a word for a moment, and then Ben said, we really are Victor?

The man removed his mask and said, Yes, I am Victor. His face was half-burned. Steve said, Hahh! I knew, my friend was alive and Victor said, I am no friend of yours now!

Victor said, You leave me on Mars and I will not spare this Earth to live and then you will go to Mars!

Victor laughs : HAHAHA

The End!

That’s it for today!

Chapter 08 coming soon!

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Ayesha Hussain

Multi-tasker! Can Write about anything! like anything that you want to read, Poetry and Gives the best advise on Science, Health, Life, Creativity and many more