Happytalism. The new paradigm

Luis Gallardo
3 min readNov 13, 2017


As societies evolve into the future, it is always refreshing to have a mindful opportunity to think, and to stay in the present moment, calming our mind and realizing that, in the end, who does not want to be happy?

The 4th King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, had his aha moment in 1972 when he decided to measure the progress of his citizens by their happiness instead of by their wealth. He coined GNH or the Gross National Happiness and since then, the world even has two United Nations resolutions: UN Resolution 65/309: Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development and UN Resolution 66/281 International Day of Happiness (March 20th, forever, for all)

However, once you live the state of mindfulness and look at our world today, many human beings have decided to run, wherever they can run, run with the money. We seem to be in a hurry, every day, every minute, even if we are not sure where to go. Growth appears to be the horizon and at any cost the means. Wait, there is another way: Happytalism.

If we change the lenses from growth to happier people, think it twice, the means will change.

Happier people. How. That is what brought me to the space of wellbeing and happiness, what inspired me to create the World Happiness Summit and now the World Happiness Festival and . Moreover, that is what brought me to Bhutan this week, November 7–9th to present a paper on GNH and Business Dynamics, and to brainstorm and dialogue about the way we can get the business world engaged with the GNH of Business or happiness@work.

With Prime Minister of Bhutan, Lyonchhen Dasho Tshering Tobgay.

Businesses and the world have to move beyond financial indicators

We know that financial and economic reports fail to illustrate the degree to which business impact the health of environment and communities. When profits are the ultimate goal, financial statements play a role, when happiness is the end, they do not. That is the fundamental shift and opportunity that we have in the world, a strategic change that will save many lives and will get individuals and societies out of misery.

When we go deep into the dynamics of the world and businesses, we all win if we put happiness as the ultimate goal of our existence. Moreover, if we do that we are going to need to re-learn why we do what we do and behave the way we do it.

Over the next weeks, I will be writing about the GNH of Business and the need to change the lenses from Capitalism to Happytalism. There are more ways to prosperity than the ones we have been using across the board in general. There are great opportunities ahead, and we will just need some conscious “ego” management to make the big leap.

When you are mindful, the future is full of positive opportunities. Moreover, we have a bright future ahead. Be happiness.

Join a unique experiential learning community working for a world with more happiness @ Happiness Fest. World Happiness Festival. March 17–18th, 2018 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

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Learn more about mindfulness and the power of meditation watching this video with Saamdu Chetri, Executive director of the GNH Centre in Bhutan.



Luis Gallardo

Founder of bē and the World Happiness Fest (bēCREATION). Advisor to presidents, CEOs & top thinkers on Legacy Building. Author. @lgallardo