VSM (Value Stream Mapping) To Help System Thinking

Luis Gonçalves
2 min readAug 22, 2017


Hi guys, in this post I want to share with you an excellent story that happened several months ago with one of my teams, for that I will explain how to use VSM (Value Stream Mapping) as a tool to help System Thinking.

At that time I had a team that was making the first steps towards Agile. They were a fantastic team, keen to learn but still with the “old waterfall” mentality. They had a typical approach where the developers did development work and the testers — testing, not a truly Agile team.

I believe this is a common problem for teams that are switching to Agile: seeing only a small picture, they are not able to understand the entire system. I believe they lacked “System Thinking”. But what is “System Thinking”?

If you want to continue you can see the rest of the article on my blog: https://luis-goncalves.com/vsm-value-stream-mapping/

My name is Luis Gonçalves and I am an Organisational Transformation Coachand I love to write about Agile Retrospectives, Agile Retrospectives Ideas, Scrum, the role Scrum Master, and Agile in general.

I have been creating Scrum Master Training for the agile community. If you are interested in knowing more or even working with me you can find me here: Agile Coach München.



Luis Gonçalves

Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author & International Keynote Speaker. As a Management Consultant, he works with Senior Executives to improve Organisations