LHCoin encourages early investors

1 min readNov 8, 2017


Many issuers of new cryptocurrencies say about guaranteed return, but not all of them prescribe clearly such mechanisms of profit in their smart contracts. LHCoin not just ensures income to investors at 20 % per annum, but has in their arsenal some mechanisms of its increasing.

In addition to the guaranteed return from the operating activities of the broker of Larson&Holz, holders of the tokens LHCoin can increase their profits through a bonus program Early Bird Bonus, which is a financial reward to early investors due to a more expensive sell of coins to following investors.

At each stage of the ICO the value of the token LHCoin will increase by 5%. This difference will go not to the income of the Issuer (as usual), but will be proportionally divided between those investors who have bought coins in the earlier stages of the ICO. Thus, all holders of tokens LHCoin with the exception of those who have invested in the project already at the last stage of ICO can count on real income.





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