CS 373 Spring 2023: Lauren Hubbard

Lauren Hubbard
2 min readApr 10, 2023


  • What did you do this past week?

This past week I finished my cloud computing project and got caught up in a few lectures.

  • What’s in your way?

The feeling of summer approaching is in my way. Every time at this time of year when we get close to the end of the semester and the beginning of summer I start to lose motivation because my brain starts to switch into summer mode. I am working to stay motivated and focused on classes but it’s hard.

  • What will you do next week?

Next week I plan to start my next cloud computing project and work on my final project for my linguistics class. I also am going to look at making some alterations to my part of the code for Phase 4 of this class’s project.

  • What did you think of Paper #12. Why extends is evil

I thought the paper was fine and the message was clear. I read this same paper last semester in Object Oriented Programming with Professor Downing so it wasn’t a new read.

  • What was your experience of joins and refactoring? (this question will vary, week to week)

My experience with both of them was fine. I have never learned either topic but I felt like I understood the concepts well and really understand what’s going on.

  • What made you happy this week?

My family surprised me and came to Austin this weekend for Easter so that I didn’t have to drive back to Houston. I had such a fun weekend with them and have been missing them a lot so it was great to spend time with them.

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to go to office hours and don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you have a question there is an extremely high chance that someone else in the class has the same question. Even if you are just kind of unsure, it’s better to ask a question and be 100% certain then to be wrong and get points off for a silly mistake or misunderstand a concept. We are in school for a reason: to learn, so it’s best to maximize our knowledge.

