Embarking on Sustainability: Designing the Future of Organic Skincare Packaging

Lauren Huett
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


Greetings Readers,

I am still a passionate student in the Digital Media program at Maryville University, fervently delving into the intricate design world. I am venturing into an exciting course that marks the pinnacle of my academic journey — the Capstone.

Defining the Vision:

My project unfolds as an exploration into the realm of organic skincare with a primary focus on crafting eco-friendly, plantable, and compostable packaging. The mission is to marry luxury with sustainability, setting a new standard for responsible packaging practices in the skincare sector.

The Target Types:

The envisioned target audience encompasses eco-conscious consumers who seek premium skincare products while aligning with their sustainability and environmental responsibility values. Additionally, the project aims to appeal to those who appreciate the aesthetic value of luxurious, visually appealing packaging.

Competitive Analysis Snapshot:

A comprehensive analysis of the skincare industry’s packaging landscape reveals a promising opportunity to revolutionize eco-friendly design. While some brands dabble in sustainability, there’s a gap for a line that seamlessly integrates plantable, compostable packaging with premium organic skincare.

Preliminary concept for eco-friendly, plantable packaging.

Navigating the Research Terrain:

In-depth research serves as the cornerstone of this project, delving into the intricacies of sustainable packaging materials, consumer preferences, and the intersection of luxury and eco-consciousness. The exploration is a meticulous journey to create a product that meets and exceeds a discerning audience's expectations.

Logo Design and Branding:

Central to the project is crafting a distinctive logo that encapsulates the essence of eco-luxury skincare. This emblem will serve as the visual identity, a symbol representing the commitment to sustainability and a touch of luxury. Each logo element will be curated precisely to resonate with my target audience.

In addition to the logo, the project entails the creation of multiple packages and labels that encapsulate the essence of each organic skincare product. Each design seamlessly integrates eco-friendly materials, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing brand presence on the consumer’s vanity.

Beyond physical design, the project extends into the digital realm by conceptualizing several website pages. These pages will serve as a virtual storefront, providing an immersive experience for online visitors. From a captivating homepage to informative product pages, the website aims to reflect the brand’s commitment to transparency, sustainability, and aesthetic excellence.

Current Feelings and Reflections:

At this juncture in the design process, excitement and responsibility intertwine. The prospect of contributing to a cultural shift towards conscious consumerism and sustainable choices feels empowering and inspiring.

An artistic representation of the flagship product — Organic Radiance Serum.

P.S. Exploring Subscription Models and Beyond:

While the main focus is on creating organic skincare products and their packaging, introducing a subscription box model is under consideration. This model could provide customers with a continuous supply of eco-friendly packaging, reinforcing long-term brand loyalty while contributing to environmental sustainability.

Join me on this journey as we design the future of organic skincare packaging, where luxury meets sustainability.

Warm regards,


