Skye Li

Skye Li

Job Application

6 stories

Bar chart with varying points with dollar signs in the background.
a board on the wall that reads i see a light in the darkness
Skye Li

Skye Li

UX Interview Tips

12 stories

Skye Li

Skye Li


11 stories

sharpie pens in a range of colours
Skye Li

Skye Li

UX Portfolios

9 stories

Woman waving red flag
UI design for a homepage redesign
Skye Li

Skye Li

Designer Stories

3 stories

A man holding a blue ballon which covers his face.
Skye Li

Skye Li

UX Knowledge

20 stories

Example of a user flow, asking “do you want your product to make any sense?” — all paths lead to “document your IA”
view from above — a desk with laptops, smartphones, and people working together
Skye Li

Skye Li

Resume/Cover Letter Revising

3 stories

Stylized illustration of a resume
Skye Li

Skye Li

Attractive Case Studies

7 stories

Skye Li

Skye Li

Excellent UX People

2 stories