What I’ve Learned From Being Estranged From My Family

Lia Chen
2 min readMar 11, 2022

It has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but I’m finally at a happy place in my life.

Photo Credit To Pexels

I was talking to other people about this topic and I realized that I have finally arrived at where I want to be. For most of my life, I’ve had to appease my family. I listened to everything they told me about my career choice, life choices, and even about my love life. I gained a lot of debt from listening to their advice on careers that I didn’t want for myself. And to put a long story short, I am still trying to recover from what happened.

I’ve learned that it’s okay to rely on yourself. There are many people who believe that they need people in their life because they’re scared of being on their own. However, wouldn’t you rather rely on yourself instead? I would much rather depend on myself for living. If I didn’t have my own money, I would panic. Honestly, being on your own is probably one of the best experiences that you’ll ever have. And you’ll never know the joys of having only yourself to rely on until you actually do it.

I’ve also learned that it doesn’t matter what others think. For almost every day of my young adult life, my family looked down on my job. If $7.25 was the minimum wage at the time, I earn almost 8x that amount for an hourly wage. Even though…



Lia Chen

Hi! I’ve been blogging for 3+ years. Blogging has been my passion for many years and I have a small yorkie named Zoe. I teach piano too! Pocketfuloflearning.org