Pokémon AI: Gotta Create ’Em All!

An epic journey of Pokémon Generation using Artificial Intelligence

Liam Eloie
5 min readJan 3, 2022
AI Generated Starter Pokémon

“I was made from you. But I am the stronger one…I am the true one.” — Mewtwo

TLDR; scroll to the end to see a collection of generated Pokémon by type.

Edit: I made a website so you can try the model out for yourself! https://nokemon.eloie.tech/

Every year, millions of people eagerly await a new generation of Pokémon to be released. With every new generation comes an onslaught of creatures; some which are cute and cuddly and others so repugnant that once caught never again see the light of day. Despite the ever-growing collection, the objective stays the same — Gotta Catch ’Em All! — and The Pokémon Company never fails to deliver a plethora of unique and diverse imaginary beings for us to enjoy. Given the current rate that new Pokémon are being introduced, how long will it be before they run out of ideas?

As an avid Pokémon fan and Artificial Intelligence enthusiast, I have made numerous failed attempts to fuse the two. When image generation started to boom a few years ago due in part to the advent of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), I tried my hand at artificially generating Pokémon images using state-of-the-art models at the time. Low and behold my creations… utterly…

