A collection of historical maps of Halifax, Nova Scotia

Liam Osler
7 min readDec 9, 2022


The primary sources for these maps are scans of historical maps from the Nova Scotia Archives, Halifax Municipal Archives, Bibliothèque Nationale de France’s Gallica collection, The Canadian Research Knowledge Network’s Canadiana Collection, The Government of Canada’s National Research Council Geoscan portal and Nova Scotia Community College’s W. K. Morrison Special Collection.


Map of New England, New France, New Scotland, Newfoundland, 1624

URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=5
Date: 1624

Globe terrestre auctore Arnoldo Florentino, a Langren, 1666

URL: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b55008713v.medres3d?rk=64378;0
Date: 1666


Map of Bay of Chibouquetou, 1711

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=19
Date: 1711?

Carte De L’Acadie, 1749

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=31
Date: 1744

Project for Fortifying Town of Halifax in Nova Scotia, 1749

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=57
Date: “Rec with Col Cornwallis Letted dated 17th of October 1749”

This Chart of Chibucto Harbour on the coast of Acadia, or Nova Scotia, with a Plan of the Town of Halifax, circa 1750

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=64
Date: 1750?

A map of the South Part of Nova Scotia and it’s Fishing Banks, circa 1750

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=62
Date: 1750?

A map of the surveyed parts of Nova Scotia, 1756

Retrieved from: Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center
URL: https://collections.leventhalmap.org/search/commonwealth:hx11z499x
Date: 1756

Plan of the Mouth and the Harbour of Halifax with an inset for the town of Halifax, 1758

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=100
Date: 1758/1759

A Chart of the Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia with Jebucto Bay and Cape Sambro, 1759

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
Published: “Surveyed by the Order of His Excellency Brigadier General Lawrences, Governour of the Province of Nova Scotia, by Charles Morris, Surveyor, 1759”
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=103&Page=201320524
Date: Surveyed 1759, published 1768 or 1771?

A Chart of the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova Scotia, 1771

Retrieved from: Library of Congress
Published: London, R. Sayer, 1768.
URL: https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3300m.gar00003/?sp=37
Date: Surveyed 1759, published 1768 or 1771?

Halifax Harbour, 1779

Published: Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet, 1722–1824
URL: https://collections.leventhalmap.org/search/commonwealth:z603vk48s
Date: 1779

The Harbour of Halifax, 1781

Retrieved from: Rare Maps
URL: https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/49762/the-harbour-of-halifax-des-barres
Date: “Published according to Act of Parliament, 1781”


Peninsula and Harbour of Halifax, 1808

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=257
Date: 1808

Plan Sketch of the Peninsula of Halifax with part of the Country between Dartmouth and Cole Harbour, 1808

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=261
Date: 1808

Plan for the new track from Dartmouth to Sackville, 1812

Retrieved from: “City of Dartmouth”, unofficial website
URL: https://cityofdartmouth.ca/plan-of-the-new-track-from-dartmouth-to-sackville-cleared-during-the-summer-of-1812/
Date: 1812

Sheet 2: Mile 0 to Mile 6: Halifax to Prince’s Lodge, 1817

Draughtsman: John Elliot Woolford
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/woolford/archives/?ID=2
Date: 1817–1818

“Halifax”, 1827

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=265
Date: 1827?

Plan showing the Common belonging to the Town of Halifax, 1830

Published by: R. Engineers Office, Halifax, N.S.
Reference: 201312503.png
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=453
Date: 30th of August, 1830

Plan of the City of Halifax, 1848

Published by: Published and sold by C. H. Belcher
Retrieved from: NSCC Libraries
URL: https://nscc.cairnrepo.org/islandora/object/nscc%3A484
Date: 1848

City of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1866

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=857
Date: 1866

Map of the City of Halifax, 1874

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=927
Date: 1874

Map of the City of Halifax, 1878

Publication: ATLAS of the MARITIME PROVINCES of the DOMINION OF CANADA, With Historical and Geological Description
Retrieved from: NSCC Libraries
URL: https://nscc.cairnrepo.org/islandora/object/nscc%3A535#page/44/mode/2up
Date: 1878

Halifax and Dartmouth, 1892

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
Date: 1892

City of Halifax Plan, 1893

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
Publisher: “Published by T.C. Allen & Co. Ltd., 124 Granville Street, Halifax, N.S.”
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=1234
Date: 1893


Atlas of Canada Plate №39, Hamilton, London and Halifax, 1906

Retrieved from: Government of Canada
URL: https://doi.org/10.4095/223851
Date: 1906

Multicoloured Geological Map no. 1019, 1908

Publication: Geological Survey of Canada
Author: Faribault, E R
Retrieved from: Government of Canada
URL: https://doi.org/10.4095/107885

Multicoloured Geological Map no. 1019a, 1908

Publication: Geological Survey of Canada
Author: Faribault, E R
Retrieved from: Government of Canada
URL: https://doi.org/10.4095/247648

Map of the City and Harbour of Halifax, N.S., 1910

Retrieved from: Halifax Municipal Archives
URL: https://www.halifax.ca/aboutthecity/municipal-archives/virtual-exhibits/1910-map-halifax

Plan showing the Devastated Area of Halifax City, N.S., 1917

Retrieved from: The Canadian Encyclopedia
URL: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/primarysources/plan-showing-devastated-area-of-halifax-city-ns

Topographic map, Nova Scotia, Halifax sheet. №201, 1923

Retrieved from: University of Wisconsin
URL: https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/agdm/id/14735/
Publisher: Government of Canada Canada, Department of National Defence
Date: 1923

Plan of the City of Halifax, N.S., 1931

Publisher: Maritime Merchant Ltd.
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=1534&Page=202012437
Date: 1931

Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1941

Publisher: Maritime Merchant Ltd.
Retrieved from: University of Toronto, Nova Scotia Archives
URL https://mdlcollections.library.utoronto.ca/islandora/object/mdl%3AG3434_H3_1941
Date: 1941

Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1945

Publisher: Maritime Merchant Ltd.
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=1534&Page=202012437
Date: 1945

11D/12W, 1957

Publisher: Department of National Defense Army Survey Establishment
Publication: National Topographic Series Maps
Retrieved from: National Research Council of Canada
URL: https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/starweb/geoscan/servlet.starweb?path=geoscan/fulle.web&search1=R=288155
Date: 1957
Notes: From original survey in 1920, revised with aerial photographs in 1943.

Twin Cities Map Metropolitan Halifax-Dartmouth, 1963

Publisher: Map Corporation of America
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=1719
Date: 1963

Halifax Military Town Plan, 1963

Retrieved from: McMaster University, University of Toronto
URL: http://digitalarchive.mcmaster.ca/islandora/object/macrepo%3A81109
Date: 1963

Metropolitan Map and Street Guide Halifax and Dartmouth N.S., Canada, 1965

Compiled by: Pathfinder Air Surveys Limited
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
Date: 1965

Twin Cities Map-Arrows. Metropolitan Halifax, 1970

Publisher: Map Corporation of America
Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL: https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=1845
Date: 1970

Guide to Halifax & Dartmouth Sackville & the Town of Bedford, 1986

Retrieved from: Nova Scotia Archives
URL https://archives.novascotia.ca/maps/archives/?ID=2046
Date: 1986

