The history of the internet and me

Lee’s Literature
3 min readMar 6, 2018


The internet is constantly playing a part in all walks of life whether that be personal and economical and this has led to why I am currently undertaking a bachelor of cyber safety and human behaviour.

My Journey and exploration through the internet probably began like a lot of people born in the 1990’s. Waiting for your parents to get off the phone so you can use the dial up internet connection and watching videos on a little-known website on the internet full of random videos called YouTube.

Through my childhood into adolescence through adulthood it’s almost impossible to imagine my life without the internet. I myself love knowledge and I couldn’t count the amount of times I went on a computer or used my phone to find the answer of a question on my mind. As well as having access to information through the internet a new craze was starting to take shape on the internet world.

Over the years through high school and my interactions I found having a presence on social media can be a great platform to project any potential projects or ideas. As I also conveyed earlier the passing of knowledge was immense and allowed me to work on group projects without being present with other members. This group project I was in like potentially a lot of teenagers was a band. As a sixteen-year-old I became the front man of a heavy metal band with my mate who I meet working my first job at pizza hut. After my friend finished up at Pizza hut it was through Facebook that we had the ability to connect and plead to him that I could scream and be the vocalist for his band.

Now the band didn’t really take off which is a common occurrence through most teenage bands and as you can imagine a potential cause to why I am writing this blog, however the process and the power pf the internet played a vital piece in my bands history which you can still view today.

My fellow band members lived outside of town and we would go to their farm to practice but when it came to writing songs we would use the internet to feed ideas over many nights just sitting at a computer.

Through the internet my band members would send me riffs and song ideas and I was able to write the songs in my own time then come to practice and bring it all together. It was a pretty amazing feeling being able to just to listen to a body of music and can add your own personal flair to that. Once a song was recorded and we were happy with it we would place it onto a website called SoundCloud in the hopes of getting noticed. As seen as a modern artist like Post Malone and Kieran Shuddel can become overnight sensations through the impact of the internet and social media (Daly, 2013).

The internet played a great part in my band and still plays a massive part in my social and creative life. Which I will elaborate on in my continuing blogs, Thanks for reading and Stay Golden.


Daly, R 2013, ‘Circa Waves’, New Musical Express, Nov 30, p.22



Lee’s Literature

This is my current journey through university and it is not my first rodeo, through this blog i will unearth my past, present and what i hope my future to be.