Don’t Allow Your Kids and Yourself to Watch TheOdd1sOut

The creator is at minimum a racist or at most a white supremacist.

Älia Meth
9 min readSep 3, 2019

TheOdd1sOut is an animation YouTuber and web comic content creator. He has over 12.5 million subscribers and over 2.3 billion views on YouTube alone. He has a Tumblr page and I don’t doubt he has other social media pages but this isn’t about every media platform he has. This is about TheOdd1sOut’s target audience as he himself describes in his video Getting Recognized Part 2 his target demographic is, “little boys,” and what kind of person TheOdd1sOut is without his audience knowing. These boys are about the age of 7 and this man is hiding subliminal and liminal racism in his videos and webcomics.

That’s a pretty serious accusation Cotton let’s see how it plays out for her.

I was introduced to his work by an old friend of mine when they were talking about good animation YouTubers. After months of not watching his content I decided I’d give his channel a shot and found I made a mistake for enjoying his content. As I was watching his video The Spiders and the Bees I found the below image in the original video. The context was Charlotte, from Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, was giving Wilbur the okay sign. Meaning that he was a good pig that shouldn’t die but she did it wrong by accidentally putting it upside down. You can search for this in the video but it’s not there. I triple checked this just to see if I missed it while I skimmed the video. Nope, it’s gone.

TheOdd1sOut YouTube video The Spiders and the Bees. Who knew Charlotte the spider under this interpretation was a white supremacist? Since it’s gone someone must’ve gotten in contact E.B. White’s estate.

But don’t worry all of you racists out there. He has a racist joke, or more precisely just him hiding his racism by calling it a joke, in the same video at the 1:23–1:34 minute marks just for you disgusting human beings. Here it is verbatim, “so wait the two most dangerous spiders in North America are the brown recluse and the black widow… What are you trying to say about dangerous colors America?” Did you laugh you monsters? If you didn’t good for you. Now look if these two moments were a one time offense we’d have no problem and I’d be on my merry way but it’s not.

TheOdd1sOut Hobbies video. Wait… is that person drawing the same symbol in the above video here too? Oh… oh no.

This is straight from his Hobbies video. By the way, this is still there if you wish to check it out. He uses the same imagery as in The Spiders and Bees without context. The person is just painting the image as he talks about how hobbies are good for you. That hobbies are nice, fun activities anyone should have to manage stress or to grow as a human being. That message is fine if you remove the co-opted white power okay symbol, but when he puts it there in a completely unnecessary fashion his point is not just now that hobbies are good for you. That racists and white supremacists have hobbies and therefore TheOdd1sOut is just like you.

Let’s give special thanks to the ACLU for making certain this can’t be debunked.

Originally 4chan tried to pass off this hand signal as a fake hand signal to signify if you were a member of a white supremacist group. Remember 4chan? The website that started GamerGate which was used to harass and threaten women in the gaming industry? Remember 4chan? The website that many right-wing, terrorist, mass shooters would frequent to leave their manifestos before they moved to 8chan to post their manifestos? These people that argue they’re normal, sane people? Yeah! You know those people! They said that this was used to gaslight people into thinking this was a real symbol.

Brett, what the fuck? Your aide is on 4Chan too? I am whelmed! Absolutely whelmed!

So, now you know the history behind the white supremacist okay symbol that eventually became part of the right wing finger lexicon. Now you have the awareness to look at TheOdd1sOut’s content with proper eyes. He posted a video recently as in August 25th, 2019 recently where again he uses the white power okay symbol iconography in his YouTube content. The context for this video is that college is a scam (right-wing talking point) and that textbooks are a scam (an everyone talking point) that should be illegal. The video is titled Scams That Should be Illegal and some of his points I would agre — he’s a racist I can agree with someone else that makes the same points whom isn’t racist.

TheOdd1sOut Scams that Should be Illegal video. Everyone has tablets dude. No one prints anything except for scripts, menus, and 3d printed food because we’ve destroyed the planet and…. this is definitely a topic for another time.

Did you notice anything about this image? It’s the exact same okay symbol as the others just flipped upright when you compare it to his other two drawings. This one is also the most prominent because he feels he can get away with it since kids don’t know what they’re looking at and parents are working harder, with less pay, and less time they can invest into their kids unless they’re literally part of the upper middle class. Sorry, I’ve just gotten word that they are now the new middle class. Which means those that were middle class are now poor and those once poor are now living on the streets. The exact market for a YouTuber like TheOdd1sOut to be his target audience.

He just found out all of his students watch TheOdd1sOut and he doesn’t know how to stop them before they become racist. Also, he just learned he’ll never pay off his student loans so it’s a really bad day for him.

I get it. Three images from three different videos and one terrible joke. If you like baseball (I hate it) you’d be saying three strikes and you’re out. The phrase tends to hold true most of the time but this guy is still batting even though he’s been called to go back to the bench with an extra strike to boot. Would you believe me if I told you this wasn’t the beginning of his racist behavior?

TheOdd1sOut web comic from 12/15/2015 which is currently on page 12 of his Tumblr page. Hey, human decency called ya! They said this was never okay no matter what year people were incredibly racist!

Damn! I guess that’s five strikes now against this animator. For those that don’t understand the problem this comic relies on the sister being disappointed that she got an adopted brother from China. What you would call humor here is inherently racist. It’s also incredibly bigoted towards people whom are adopted because ultimately this comic says they’re not really part of your family if they weren’t born by your biological parents. Do I hear a sixth strike against this man? Oh… there’s more than six? Sit down, it’s gonna take a while.

TheOdd1sOut Tumblr web comic 02/18/2016 page 10. This guy just keeps getting worse. First racism, still racism, and now sexual assault? Your kids deserve someone better as a role model.

Strike number six. I really wish this guy was better than he is because I want every human being to be a decent person. The world would be so much fun if we were all decent human beings but then there’s this guy and people like him. I mean this is sexual assault. No question. You expect one thing and get something else when it is unwanted. End of discussion. 12.5 million followers and 2.3 billion views. This is who your kid idolizes parents. The worst part is we’re not even done.

From TheOdd1sOut’s Youtube video Academy Anecdotes (School Stories). You won’t believe unless you watch it that just in these two frames alone there is only two characters and not three. That’s how racist this YouTube creator is.

You don’t know how much I wish it was all make believe. Well, maybe you do because children love him and you wish this horror story of our lifetimes would stop. I do too because I have young impressionable cousins and I have no idea if they watch his stuff. I have friends with kids. I too am a 31-year-old child inside and don’t know why I ever watched him. These screenshots are from his Academy Anecdotes (School Stories) video on YouTube. The images above are about how the kid in the left frame goes from being a person that can’t pee at an urinal properly as a white guy and then magically becomes Asian once the creator of this YouTube channel says he’s good at math even though he says he wasn’t going to mention his race. This bigotry can be found at 3:14–3:59 minute marks. His racism is so subliminally off the charts you would think he learned it from 45. As it stands: strike number seven and onto strike number eight.

This is within the same racist video Academy Anecdotes (School Stories) at the 1:35 second mark where he says verbatim, “schools should teach you how to pick a good president,” and animates 45 rising from the bottom left of the screen.

Ican’t see this as humor from TheOdd1sOut. In fact as I’ve displayed 45 is right up TheOdd1sOut’s alley. The man whom occupies the White House said white supremacists and neo-nazis are very fine people. The man has called himself a (white) nationalist. The person in charge of this country wants to deport children dying of cancer back to their home country where they will not be able to acquire the treatment that is necessary to live. That’s not the only bigoted action 45 has taken but it is the most recent. This is a man he thinks is a good president. I’ve given you ample evidence that displays TheOdd1sOut is using subliminal and liminal messages that prove he is racist at minimum. However, this one I think you’ll guarantee seals the deal even if he never liked 45. The count: strike 8, onto strike 9.

This is one of TheOdd1sOut’s old comics from before September 6th, 2016 that I double checked to see if it was in his YouTube video Reading Old Comics w/TJ.

This comic strip is blatantly the worst of the worst when it comes to the racist things TheOdd1sOut has done. This is emblematic of his ideology. This is who he is because not only did someone on Twitter say you could see this in his Youtube video Reading Old Comics w/TJ but we have no way to hold him accountable like with The Spiders and The Bees. I cannot guarantee the Twitter user was telling the truth because it’s possible he deleted it from the video and when I asked the Twitter user they never replied. The only evidence we have to go on to prove that he did draw the comic is he animated the characters in the same way he has animated all of his other works. He is well known for this animation style so even if the above portion was by a fan he still chose to animate the comic. Yet, even the original drawings from years ago in the same video look like the original sketch at the top before the animation so there is ample evidence to suggest but not prove he drew it.

The horrible, terrifying face of racism and potentially white supremacy that your kids love: TheOdd1sOut

Nine strikes. This person would literally start a new inning with how racist he is from the evidence I’ve shown you. I even found a Tumblr post from someone that knew him in high school but when I reached out for a comment from this person that knew him they gave me no reply. TheOdd1sOut and one of his YouTube friends have not replied either and it has been well over a month since I asked for TheOdd1sOut for a comment. If this changes I will post an edit to the story but as it sits now how can anyone feel comfortable watching and subscribing to his content or continue being his friend knowing all of this info? He owes his audience and many people an apology but I don’t think that will come and you shouldn’t hold your breath.

