Liam Harry O’Brien
1 min readJan 15, 2021



Co-op Sea Salt & Chardonnay Wine Vinegar

I feel I have somehow inadvertently provoked the ire of the salt & vinegar brigade.

It’s not that I don’t like that particular flavour, I just feel that there can be more nuances found in cheese & onion’s varieties.

Brands and companies attempt to jazz up salt & vinegar. Balsamic, malt, cider and in this case Chardonnay wine vinegar are often touted. This is frequently to no avail.

I am happy to say that these guys definitely have a defined white wine vinegar punch and that is pushed very much to the forefront.

These are lovely unaccompanied but also, twin pleasingly with a claggy dip such as a flavoured hummus, as the sharpness cuts through beautifully.

They have a pleasant crunch and the zest lingers satisfyingly.

I would highly recommend these to my S&V pals, though I am aware of the possible occhiolism of my judgement here.


Special thanks to Hugo & Andrew for donating today’s crisp.

Liam Harry O’Brien

Flabby crisp writing. In 2017 I attempted to post a crisp review on Facebook every day. Ultimately, I failed. Here are the reviews I did post.