How to Choose and Hire a Professional Driver in Dubai

3 min readNov 10, 2023

Dubai, with its bustling city life and thriving economy, often demands the need for professional drivers. Having a reliable and skilled driver is crucial for personal chauffeuring, corporate travel, or special events. This guide will walk you through selecting and hiring a professional driver in Dubai, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Understanding Your Needs

The first step in finding the perfect professional driver is understanding your specific requirements. How to Hire a Driver in Dubai Are you looking for a chauffeur for daily commuting, special occasions, or business meetings? Clearly defining your needs will help you narrow your search and find a driver aligning with your expectations.

Licensing and Certification

In Dubai, hiring a professional safe driver requires adherence to strict regulations. Ensure that the driver possesses a valid UAE driving license and any additional certifications required for specialized services. Verifying these documents is essential to guaranteeing a safe and legal hire.

Experience Matters

When it comes to choosing a professional driver, experience is critical. Look for candidates with a proven track record in driving in Dubai’s unique traffic conditions. A seasoned driver is more likely to handle unexpected situations with calmness and expertise, providing you with a secure and comfortable journey.

Conducting Background Checks

Your safety is paramount. Before finalizing any driver, conduct thorough background checks. This includes checking for criminal records, past driving incidents, or red flags that may compromise your well-being. Many professional driver services in Dubai conduct these checks on behalf of their clients.

Vehicle Maintenance and Cleanliness

A professional driver’s vehicle is an extension of their service. Ensure the driver maintains their vehicle in top condition, adhering to all safety standards. A clean and well-maintained vehicle ensures a pleasant journey and reflects the driver’s commitment to professionalism.

Assessing Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial for a positive driver-passenger relationship. Assess the driver’s language proficiency and communication skills. How to Hire a Driver in Dubai understands your instructions clearly and can communicate effectively contributes significantly to a stress-free experience.

Evaluating Reviews and Testimonials

In the digital age, customer reviews and testimonials are vital in decision-making. Before finalizing a professional driver, check online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This will give you insights into the driver’s reliability, punctuality, and overall service quality.


Choosing and hiring a professional driver in Dubai involves carefully assessing your needs, the driver’s credentials, experience, and communication skills. By conducting thorough research and considering these factors, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable journey in the dynamic city of Dubai.


How do I verify a driver’s license in Dubai?
To verify a driver’s license in Dubai, you can use the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) online portal or visit their customer happiness centers.

Are there age restrictions for hiring a professional driver in Dubai?
The legal age for hiring a professional driver in Dubai is 21 years and above.

Can I hire a professional driver for a one-time event?
Absolutely! Many professional driver services in Dubai offer flexible options, including one-time hires for events and special occasions.

What additional services can a professional driver provide?
A: Professional drivers in Dubai often offer additional services such as airport transfers, city tours, and personalized travel itineraries. Discuss your specific needs with the driver to explore available services.

