Time Killer App First Designs

Liam Parker
3 min readNov 12, 2014


After coming up with the idea for my app, the next task was to show what my app may look like on an app store with a brief description and some mock designs of what I’ll be aiming for. Obviously, I also had to decide on a name for my app and eventually went with ‘Time Killer’, as the main idea for the app has always been to provide people with a way to kill their time in a non-serious lighthearted way.

I decided to start with the logo/app icon and chose a couple of colours, in this case white and blue (can always be changed later on), which would also help me when designing the app later down the line. When creating the logo/app icon I wanted to end up with something simple yet bold and modern. I’ll probably end up tweaking the logo or changing the colours but this is what I have so far.

Once the logo had been created and the colours I wanted to use were chosen, I used sketches to form the basis of my early designs, while also taking inspiration from http://thenuschool.com/how-much/#/start. Here are some of the designs I made in Photoshop to show what I want my app to look like. I wanted to keep the designs fairly simple yet still look good at the same time as I know coding is definitely not my strong point, whereas design is.

I thought it would also be fun to Photoshop a page from the iTunes app store to show what my app may look like on an actual app store. This ultimately helped me decide how I would best describe my app to people who may not know what it does.

Description from app store:

Time Killer is a great new app with the purpose of solving an age old problem, what to do with your spare time?

Simply provide us with the answers to a couple of questions and this clever app will suggest the way in which you should kill your time.

Whether you have more than 30 minutes of time to kill or as little as a few minutes, this app will give you the solution you need with hundreds of ways to kill that time.

Even if the suggestion we make isn't quite for you, it’s easy enough to select the option to try again for another ‘Time Killer’, or answer the questions differently for even more suggestions.

