The hardship in life!

3 min readApr 7, 2021


Life is hard, but the better is yet to come!

OMG! This life that we are living. It is hard. No one had ever told me how hard it could be. The reason I decided to write here today, it to motivate someone that is in need for motivation to keep going. Let me give you a glimpse of what happened to me. I know this is probably the story of 1000 or more other people.

As a kid, I was very much always trying my best to do everything right. I was going to school to make my father proud. I was always staying out of troubles. I did good for myself. I got a PhD which is great! The problem is, no one has told me that real life was hard. There I am with a PhD and finding a job is a struggle. I was convinced that the more you study, the less you will struggle to find a good paid job and leave happily ever after. That is true for some. But as life happens, it did happen to me too. I was, working as a researcher but was not really satisfied because I wanted to have a better paid job and long term contract. I was looking to settle somewhere and raise my family without having to worry about “ where next”.

I did managed after taking extra classes to find a long term contract job as a data scientist. Life was going to be great at last. That is what I though. Little did I know that the company has financial issues. As usual, the had to down size and I lost my job just after 2 months of working. I felt like my dreams was taken away from me. I was desperate and could not believe. There I was again looking for a new job, barely having enough money to pay the bills and food for my family. Looking for a new job in the time of corona was not easy, plus, having a pure scientific background people always threw on my face “ Humm, you have a good CV but, we want someone with experience in business” or “ Your background is too academic” . That was hard to hear, I know it is true but having a scientific, academic background does not mean you cannot do something else. Beside, precisely because of that background it gives me normally a great ability to adapt fast and learn new things.

I am not saying that I regret have had my PhD, on the contrary, That is something I am the most proud of in my career. Long story short…I did applied to around 98 jobs , got 5 interviews, and got one job offer,. Today, looking back, I would never trade this experience for anything else. The struggle was real and scary, I was afraid to find myself and my family homeless. I did not have a lot of saving, I had used most of it to relocate because I though I had found a good and solid job. Out of that came a better and stronger me, plus, I have now a better paid job and work advantages. Through that hardship, I learned that it was not the only place where I could sell my skills. I kept on going, I was determined to have something. I can say now “ I did it despite the odds!”.

If you read this and can relate, I am here to tell you that it is going to be all right. You and yours will get through what ever you are going through now. I believe nothing is permanent in live. Everything has an expiration date mainly hard time. Do not give up on what you want, keep pushing and striving. Keep looking. Some day you will have what you are looking for and life will never be the same again.

Good luck to you and remain strong, The better is yet to come!

